Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Fully Covered

I am sure by now you've heard of the substitute teacher shortage as well as the other challenges in the schools at the moment. But things might be looking up. 

Thursday. I got called to cover Mr. R's math class. Again. 

Mr. R has been out since January. Covid. But, Mr. R has co-teachers, and they've been teaching his class. (I'm using the plural as one teaches with him periods 2 and 4, and the other teaches with him periods 3, 5, and 6.) 

Because of this, and because of the sub shortage, they have not been covering his absence. In fact, there were two different days when I was pulled to cover a different teacher on campus when I was called in to cover Mr. R. (Day one was that middle school science class. Day 2 was the show choir.)

So, when I got that name again, I figured I'd be covering something completely different. 

I got to school, and I was given the keys for Mr. R's class. I was told the school was fully covered. In fact, the secretary had released the teachers she had lined up to period sub for the day. (Period sub is when a teacher covers another teacher's class on their prep period.) 

Seriously? That's amazing in these times. 

Of course, it meant I didn't have a whole lot to do as the co-teachers had the classes handled. But I brought stuff to do. 

I was fully settled in at about the half point of the day when the phone rang... 

(Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of the story.) 


  1. Perhaps not as fully covered as they thought?

  2. Interesting. Sounds as if there's some confusion in the system.

    1. Not really. One can't plan for emergencies...

  3. Oh! That's wonderful news. It seems like some pandemic stresses may be easing up a bit. It's a return to normalcy!

  4. Sounds like it's not so organized there. But I'm glad you're finding work.

    1. It's organized. There are things that one can't plan for.

  5. Oh my..I hope Mr. R is doing well. Covid must have really nabbed him. I hope everything went smoothly like Jiffy creamy peanut butter but I have a feeling it went from smooth to nutty.

    1. It hit Mr. R hard. Hospitalized hard. But apparently he's doing better now, at least according to his co-teacher.

  6. Replies
    1. That's kinda the job description, though. Things are going so well until they're not.

  7. I used to have emergency plans ready, but I don't think it was useful. My subs sorta winged it.

    1. Emergency plans can be hit or miss. It depends on the class and the situation. But I'd rather have the emergency plans than not. At least it's a starting point.

  8. Yes, I've heard of sub and teacher shortages. Glad that the school were you're subbing has the rest of their spots filled.

  9. In my country is doctor/nurse shortages at the moment.

  10. It's a shame you have so many teacher shortages but it sounds like it is keeping you very busy indeed!

    Hope that you are having a good week. The wild weather and storms are back here unfortunately, hopefully we do not get flooded in again!

    Away From The Blue

  11. Looking forward to see what the ringing phone brought to your day...

  12. Hopefully those shortages ease soon.

  13. Lot occupation they have trouble finding people.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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