Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Different Prize

Incidents like this are why I have a blog. Because they are just too crazy to keep to myself.

5th period. 8th grade science. (No, not that class.) They had a study guide for their test the next day. Instead, they were playing Rock-Paper-Scissors. Loudly.

The prize for winning: the loser's soul.

Um, yeah...

Soon, the "winners" had souls to spare, so they started putting those up for grabs in the game.

It was amazing how fast this game went. Well, it was Rock-Paper-Scissors, after all. But I'm amazed at how far it went because I shut that thing down immediately.

I wasn't offended or anything. 8th graders can't be trusted with games of any sort. Things get loud and out of control rather quickly. As this had. (Which is why I jumped on it so quickly.)

Besides, they had a test to prepare for.

(Apparently, the penalty for losing one's soul was a prohibition against celebrating holidays. This they explained at the end of the period. After the game was long over.)


  1. They have interesting imaginations; got to give them credit for that I think.


  2. They are watching too much zombie shows and Lucifer

  3. Just sitting here shaking my head!!

  4. Losing souls? I have to wonder how they figure they can prove the soul has been lost.

    1. I wondered that myself. I couldn't figure out a way to ask the question, though.

  5. Maybe this is immature, but the soul thing is actually kind of funny to me. I just have visions of that in an office setting; telling someone no birthday cupcakes for them since they lost their soul on some stupid office bet.

    1. Oh, it was funny. Very funny. If they hadn't been 8th graders... (I don't know how to explain it. It's as if everything is heightened with them. If someone tells you a joke, you laugh. If someone tells them a joke, multiply your reaction by about 10-100. It's like a really bad actor overacting, but all the time.)

  6. What weird rules they make. Only eighth graders would start trading in souls.

  7. Eighth graders- amateurs. This is why I prefer cash to souls.

    1. I know, right? What use is a soul? I'd much rather win something tangible.

  8. They should have played for lunch money or Amazon points.

    1. I know! What use is winning someone else's soul?

  9. For some reason, I find this so amusing. It's an interesting question - what does happen if you lose your soul while you are still alive? Pretty deep. Alana

    1. As far as I could see, nothing. But then again, how would they collect?

  10. I wonder what their concept of a soul is?

  11. This is GOLD! And I love that they could stockpile souls so that they didn't have to gamble their own... I wonder if i could adjust this into a warm up game for my somewhat conservative, religiously inclined school because I reckon my kids would love this!

    1. Feel free to steal it. Some days the posts just write themselves.

  12. There you go, little devil's apprentices in the making :)


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.