Monday, October 14, 2024

Eyeing the Sweater

It. Is. Finished.


(Only four months late...)

I pushed through last week and got the bottoms of the sleeves completed:

It's not quite how the reference picture looks, but at this point, I'm calling it good enough. 

So, what got me over the finish line? A couple days off work. Cooler weather. And not being in the long-term assignment. I had a bit more mental energy to figure out what I needed and push through.

Now I get to mail this off to my niece. The timing's good as she should be able to wear it now. It would have been nice if I had gotten it to her in time for her birthday, but oh well. (Her birthday was in June.) 

This is why I can't "design" stuff to a deadline. (Although, I didn't design it. I just copied a picture. Which is harder in a way.) There are too many things I need to think about, and that takes time. I can deal with deadlines better if I have a pattern to work off of.

If I had known it was going to take fifteen posts to get the sweater complete, I would not have done the eyeball puns for titles. Or maybe I would have. It was fun, in a way.

Now, I have to figure out what project I'm going to work on next.

Eye sweater previous posts:


  1. Wow, the sweater is beautiful! Well done on finishing it.

  2. It’s beautiful. And it’s sweater weather.

  3. The finished sweater looks so cool. I hope your niece enjoys wearing it.

  4. So, you are already eyeing other projects? I think the timing for your niece getting the belated birthday gift is just perfect. It will get worn right away.

    1. Oh yes, I must always have something on the needles or hook. There are some TV shows I can't just watch. I must have my physical white noise, too.

  5. It came out nice! And your niece wouldn't be able to wear it in June anyway, so it's perfect timing.

  6. It looks great! It is more timely now than her birthday month anyway, so that worked out.

  7. It came out great! Congrats on finishing it.

  8. Wow you knitted this? Or is crochet? This came out great! I use to work for Vogue Knitting though I do not knit. It always amazed me what people could do.

    Allie of


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