Monday, May 27, 2024

Seeing Some Progress

It's started.

What you see above took me a couple hours. Why? Because I thought I was smarter than the video. I am not. 

Briefly, I thought the instructions were off (from what I know about crocheting things flat in the round), so I "fixed" them. Only the thing came out looking weird. Once I stopped thinking and just followed the directions, it finally came out correctly. 

Anyway, now it's just a matter of continuing ovals around this eye until the thing is big enough. While guessing what stitch is in the example photo. Should be interesting.

(Last week I previewed what I'm making. I hope to get somewhat close to that photo.)

Are any other Blogger bloggers having trouble with links? Trying to insert the above links went horribly awry. I had to go into the HTML page to get the link to highlight the correct words. I hope that it's just me and my glitching computer or a temporary issue.


  1. Don’t overthink.

    It looks good so far.

    1. I have a long history of overthinking. I'm working on it, though.

  2. Trust the video. As the saying goes, when in doubt, read the instructions. Looking good so far.

    1. Yup. Follow the damn directions. Sigh. I do know this. I do.

  3. Looks just like an eye! Nice work!

  4. Trouble with links??? Actually, yes. When I was trying to put them in my etymology post, they kept doubling the words. I didn't have to go into the HTML, but now I'm concerned.

  5. Looking good so are doing a great job dear...keep it up :-)
    Fine Art and You

  6. I am having trouble with links. You used to highlight what you wanted to link to and it would add the link. Now it adds a double word, the word you highlighted doesn't take the link. It is frustrating. I have figured out I need to type in what I want to link to when I go to link and not type it into the post first, but I liked the old way better.

  7. Blogging is a dying, unsupported media. ~sigh~ On the bright side, you are a talented crafter.

    1. Yes, sadly I think blogging saw its heyday a decade ago. Sigh.

  8. It looks like the all seeing eye

    1. I think that's what it's supposed to be.

  9. Great start, I like this eye. I hope the following row will be easier ;)
    Yep, same issue with links, and with resizing photos too.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.