Friday, December 29, 2023

2023 in Review Quizzes

It's Friday, and it's winter break, so that means it's time for a "random" quiz. Although, not so random, as today I've compiled five different year end review quizzes. 

Try one. Try all five. (Or don't do any, if you're not feeling quizzy.) However you do, you can probably beat my scores.

First, it's CNN's Year in Review. It's multiple choice, but it's also US-centric. 20 questions (so not too long). I got 15 correct. 

Then, to get a bit less US-centric, is The Guardian's Big 2023 Quiz of the Year. 30 questions. Multiple choice. And I did awful, something like 15 correct. Unfortunately, as I was compiling this post, the page reset, and my score disappeared. Sigh. I do know it was between 14 and 17, so we'll leave it at that.

Next is JetPack's 2023 Year in Review. 32 questions. On this one you have to type in the answers. A bit more British, kind of like The Guardian's quiz. I got 17 correct.

Continuing on, here's The New York Times 2023 quiz for students. 45 questions. (Yup, this is a long one.) Multiple choice. I got 40 correct, but to be fair, some of these questions I only got right because I got them wrong in the first two quizzes. 

And finally, it's BuzzFeed's 2023 Pop Culture Year End Quiz. 10 questions. And I seriously was not paying attention, as I only got 5 correct. 

So, have I tempted you to try one? How well do you remember this past year?


  1. I must admit to not feeling very quizzy today. lol And I am crossing my fingers that 2024 is less filled with war and hatred. ~sigh~ Be well, my dear.

    1. Understandable. It's amazing what we don't remember from the past year anyway.

  2. Oh great, Rajani's back. Better go read their post. 🙄

  3. Not very quizzy today, but tomorrow is always another day.

    1. The link will remain if you get to feeling quizzy.

  4. I did only #1 and #2. On #1 I got 11/20, and for #2 13/30, and that 13 was by guessing on at least half. I started a few of the others, but I just don't know today's movies and music. Or sports.
    The NY Times was going on too long, and I wasn't doing well.
    I love when you post quizzes though, bring on some more next year!

    1. Yeah, 40 questions is a lot. If I hadn't committed to finding a quiz, I would probably have skipped it. I think the majority I got right in the first quiz was just due to lucky guessing.

  5. I took the Guardian quiz and bombed on the very, terribly British ones plus the sports stuff, mostly. -still fun, though!

    1. Oh yes, the very British questions, if I got one correct, it was due to a good guess.

  6. CNN 17 out of 10 and New York times 34 out of 44.
    I should keep up on sports and pop culture.

  7. A good idea to have quizzes as a year ender. Tried the CNN and the Guardian ones. Faired quite poorly. Though many of the questions were familiar, since they were in the headlines, couldn't recall the correct answer, mainly because they didn't stay on the top of my mind.

  8. "Some of these questions I only got right because I got them wrong in the first two quizzes." Well, that's how we learn, right?

    1. Yes, true. But I wanted to let everyone know that if I had taken those quizzes first, I would have not done quite as well as I had.

  9. Replies
    1. Neither did I. I guess we weren't paying attention :)

  10. thecontemplativecat here. CNN quiz. I was pretty cocky at first, but by the fourth question I was embarrassed.

    1. Yeah, where did they get all those events from? I mean, no one must have reported on them or anything... ;)

  11. I only got 11 of 20 with the CNN quiz. Guess I ain't the smarty-pants I thought I was. This makes me sad.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.