Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Worried Anticipation

Back when I was a newbie sub, I had days where I'd show up to a classroom only to discover that the teacher wasn't going to be out for the day. The teacher would be surprised there was a sub. It would turn out that there was an error somewhere, and I would be dispatched somewhere else (as the district made the error, not me). 

This has not happened for years now. But, I'm always a bit uncertain. That anxiety has never fully gone away.

Tuesday. I had picked up the assignment a couple weeks prior. But, when I arrived in the classroom, I found no lesson plans. And I got paranoid.

I have subbed for Ms. G in the past. She leaves detailed sub plans. But nothing. 

So, I didn't do my usual settling into the day. Normally I put my name on the board, figure out where my bag will live for the day, set up the computer with my note and the attendance and such. I waited to see what was going to happen.

And then the classroom phone rang...

The caller ID said it was the teacher. And I was relieved. (I knew she had to be calling to give me lesson plans.)

Turns out, Ms. G had planned to be on campus for her virtual training, but she had gotten sick over the weekend, so she was doing the virtual training at home. Because she had planned to be on campus, she hadn't left her lesson plans. (It had been a three-day weekend with Monday off.) 

I don't think I'll ever fully believe a teacher isn't going to show up and be, "Sub? What sub? I don't need a sub," until I see the lesson plans. Even though it's been over a decade since this has been an issue. 

(The photography classes were mostly fine. My major issue with the day was a migraine that I'd been dealing with for a couple days.) 


  1. I'm sorry about your migraine, I hope it's better. It would be weird to show up and find out you weren't needed. Ms. G seems too "on it" for that to be the case.

    1. I got hit hard with that migraine last week. It's gone now. (Whew.)

  2. Sorry about the migraine, glad you were able to work with it. I can understand the anxiety, even if the cause wasn't your fault in the first place.

    1. Once I'm in the day, it's good, but that moment before I still worry.

  3. I get the fear. You certainly can't trust the district not to make another mistake!

  4. So sorry to hear about your migraine.

  5. Uncertainty is always stressful. And I'm very sorry about your migraine; it's been decades for me and they never lingered for more than a day yet I still recall them.

  6. I am sorry about your migraine. I had them for a while after I gave birth and I was fortunate enough that they never lasted more than about 12 hours. I can't imagine working with one.

    1. My second day ever subbing I had one. Or third. It wasn't my first day as a sub, but it was early on. They're pretty mild, comparatively.

  7. My mother got migraines and it sidelined her for days...

  8. A migraine and the stress of no lesson plan? What a day. Thank goodness the day is over….

    1. But I got the lesson plan in time, so it wasn't a total wash.


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