Monday, October 28, 2024

In Between Days

It's that time again. The between major projects time. I don't know what big thing I want to make next now that I've finished the big thing I've been working on for a while. So, I did a bit of this and a bit of that.

I did some clearing out of my closet, and I found my six-year afghan...

I made this in the '90s. I found the pattern in a magazine. I bought the yarn from WalMart. I thought I'd finish it quickly. But, I got bored and busy with other things, so it became one of those projects that I worked on off and on until I finally finished it. 

I've mentioned it on the blog before, but when I went to look for pictures, I didn't have any. So, when I pulled it out of my closet, I knew I had to take a quick picture before I packed it away again. 

I pulled out some yarn and found patterns, but not much has gotten started. 

I did, however, start making a video. Another one. For my YouTube channel. Considering how long these things take me, don't expect to see it for months, if not a whole year. 

I think this outtake is short enough that I can post it directly here:

I counted the stitches. I was going to transfer some to another needle, but then I dropped the needle. And I decided I could do another take without dropping the needle.

I had a great outtake where I totally dropped a stitch, tried to put it back on the needle, and failed. And failed again. But that one was too long for Blogger without going through YouTube first. Sigh. 

What am I making? I'll tell you when I get the whole video finished. It's nowhere near complete yet.

But I do have a completed video to get uploaded. I'd love to say I'll get to it this week, but who knows? I pledge to have it uploaded by the end of November. (I think I can manage that.) 


  1. The afghan is quite pretty with the stained glass look. Too pretty to pack away again!

    1. Already packed and living in my storage unit.

    2. Oh, no! It deserves to be on display. :D Best wishes, my dear.

    3. I have no space to put it on display. Packed it'll stay.

  2. Jamie: I agree, I like the stained-glass look.

  3. I really like the stained-glass look of your afghan too.

  4. My sewing projects were a success this summer. I'm glad I learned to do it back in the 90's. Colorful spread! Happy Halloween!

  5. I absolutely love that afghan, both in colors and design. It reminds me of pinwheels.

  6. I can remember back when both Woman's Day and Family Circle had crochet patterns in their monthly magazines. I even made a couple of the patterns. I miss those days.

    1. I seem to recall a stained glass crochet pattern in one of those magazines but it may have been around 1976.

    2. The pattern was likely in Family Circle Easy Knitting. I packed away all my magazines, so I can't go looking for it.

  7. I admire Ppl like you who finish big projects….

    1. Thanks. I will stick with many things until they're done, even if they take years.

  8. I like the stained-glass look too.

    Happy Tuesday, Liz!

  9. Pretty harlequin afghan. Good luck with the videomaking.

  10. I love that Afghan and those colours! I hope, one day, it gets to be shown. Looking forward to what you are making.


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