Friday, April 15, 2016

Math Quiz

Middle school special ed. math. They'd been working on menu math. (Wow, this really works for M-day!) It was quiz day.

The teacher and instructional assistant realized that the students might have issues with the format of the quiz, so they decided to address this with a warm up. That looked exactly like the quiz.

We took it slowly. We gave them time for each of the five questions. #1 listed the items they'd order. How much did that cost (the subtotal)? We checked to make sure every student got that right before moving on to numbers 2 & 3: How much for the tip (assuming 20%) and tax (assuming 8.5%).

Once those were correct (and that meant that they all calculated it and got the right answer), they were to find their total bill. And finally #5, they were to figure out how much change they'd get back if they used a $10 bill.

Everyone got there with us. We helped them figure out what to do for each question, and we checked to make sure every student got those questions correct. Then we passed out the quiz.

The quiz looked just like the warm up. The only difference: the items chosen from the menu.

And... Some of them bombed it.

One student who seemed to easily complete the warm up was completely flummoxed. She was adding 0.20 and 0.085 to the subtotal. (Well, at least she converted percent correctly.) Others stared at the questions, unsure what to do.


Clearly, they're still not comfortable with the concepts. Sigh. It'll come. Eventually.

How are you at figuring percents? What sort of tip do you leave for your servers? We're at the halfway point this month--how's your April going? Is A to Z flummoxing you? 

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...

Knitted M, Monogrammed M, gift card holder


  1. I'm surprisingly all right at working out percents. I can at least gestimate the amount.

    I normally do 20% for servers, as a starting off point, and add on for really great service.

  2. Maybe it was the pressure of the quiz that got to them?

    I'm pretty good at percentages if they are round percentages, 10%, 20%, etc. When we get to 15% that's when I struggle a bit.

    We've been tipping over 20% lately; close to 25% if the service is good. Interesting, 15% was "the going rate" in San Diego area; son who works at a chain restaurant here as a cook was talking to the servers and they said 20% is the going rate here.


    1. Interesting that it would be different in different cities. 5% is easy. If you can get 10%, just take half of it.

  3. Thank heaven for dedicated folks like yourself. You're a saint.
    Awakening Dreams and Conquering Nightmares with a Pen
    Best wishes!

    1. Nope. I'm not. I just follow lesson plans made up by smarter people than myself.

  4. I'm good with percentages. It's just simple multiplication. I generally leave a 20% tip.

    1. Simple multiplication? I'm good with math, but multiplication has never been simple. (How's this for crazy? I'm terrible at arithmetic, but advanced math such as calculus? No problem.)

  5. I'm just at a total lost when it comes to maths, I'm a man of arts and language and design :)

  6. I am good with percentages if I have a calculator. As for tipping I could write a whole book. I have worked as a waitress and the tips were nice. But not expected. We gave good service no matter what. It annoys me that they aren't paid the proper wage by the employeer. I don't feel it is my job to add to their wage. Eating out is so expensive! I already feel I have paid enough. I usually never tip more than 10%. Sorry, if you think I'm cheap. It's just how I feel. The going rate here in my town is 15%

    1. I need a calculator for most arithmetic, too. But that's what's so great about cell phones.

  7. Something about how it was presented must have just not clicked with them. I hope they at least turn into generous tippers.

  8. Yeah, I have no problem with percents and I always tip 20% unless the server totally sucked.

  9. I'm not that good at percents anymore, but I can do it with a calculator. I usually tip 15%. ~Meg Writer‘s Crossings

  10. I was a whiz at mental math. Now, with migraines being what they are, figuring out tips and %, is harder. Hate to see students w/ special ed needs wrestle with such.

    1. They can do it. It'll just take some time. And they're allowed to use calculators.

  11. I guess some of the kids still need a little help. It's a definite 20% tip in our parts. My kids were (one still is) wait staff, so I am aware of how hard the work can be.

  12. We're getting there in the AZs. Glad we have Sunday off. I always do 20 percent for tip. God, they absolutely deserve it.

    1. Yeah, I'm going to need Sunday to catch up. Servers definitely work hard for their money.

  13. Math wasn't a strong subject for me. The only reason I got D in algebra because I turn in every assignment.
    I might not be math wiz but I can keep a checking account in check. Only balance one check and that was ages ago even before I had children... Coffee is on

  14. Math is tough for many kids, I felt sorry for my high school classmates. I'm decent with percentages, I created my own budget spreadsheet (percent of each paycheck goes to each category).

    As for the A to Z, I'm still hanging in there :)

    1. They've started some new teaching methods that might make math easier to grasp for some students. Hands on stuff.

  15. What I tip varies greatly by where I am and what service was done for me. At the grocery store, I give the boy who helps me take my groceries out to the car a dollar. Period. If everyone gave them a dollar they'd be better paid than me and maybe even my boss. For most meals I try to give 15 percent. The only way I ever give close to 20 or above is if there are extenuating circumstances where someone really went above and beyond or for some reason I feel strongly they truly need the extra dough. If I know a place uses tip jars, I'll hand my money directly to the person who served me. I don't believe in that or in "forced" tipping. Percentages don't scare me. I mastered them in the 5th grade. But am amazed at the people I run into who had college or some college and supposedly majored in business, but get confused by percentages.
    Revisit the Tender Years with me during the #AtoZChallenge at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!

  16. I love that you have a knitted "M." So appropriate for this blog.

  17. I use my calculator frequently to do math. I wish I could offer better tips.

  18. I always enjoyed math at school, it was something I found quite easy, but I know a lot of people struggle with it. I actually think the way you've done it here is the easiest way - it's not just a load of pointless figures, it is applied to a real situation and that usually makes it seem clearer somehow

    1. It was a good plan. Not mine. I was just following their teacher's instructions.

  19. I've been dieting and tracking my food for a few years now, so I do math and percents all day long, which comes as a surprise to someone who didn't consider herself "into" math. I'm very happy to be at the halfway mark in A to Z!

  20. Basic math is not hard. Like anything in life it takes practice. Some need to practice more than others. But set aside fifteen minutes a day to practice basic math and it will come to you.

    1. They're not the types that would practice. Which is why they get the lessons they do.

  21. Oh my...poor things. I feel bad for them because math was never my strong suit. I usually tip 15% if they are really good. I have been known to not tip at all if the server was not nice.

    1. There seems to be quite a few who have that math fear going on.

  22. I'm glad we're at the halfway point of A to Z! 50% done!

    Yvonne V


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