Friday, September 20, 2024

Flying Objects

In the introductory unit for the seventh grade science class, we were studying the engineering design process. To really understand it, they got to do an activity using it. 

Building catapults. 


There are three seventh grade science teachers at the school (I am covering for one of them). We got together to discuss what project to do (they have four that they rotate through depending on the year), and the other two decided it was a catapult year. 

And I could just see the chaos. 

I mean, the actual assignment was for them to build something that would send a small object flying across the classroom. 

It was a very long, loud day. 

I mean, I'm sure it was fun for them. They were only allowed to use five items to build the thing (and five of each item), so they could use five popsicle sticks, five pencils, five rubber bands, a spoon, and something to launch. They were to make something that could launch the cotton ball a meter. 

Some managed to make catapults that launched their projectile across the room. 

They were allowed to use computers, so many found some great designs online. (To get an idea, many made this one.) 

But it was not fun for me. I'm glad it's over. 

I can see the end of my thirty day stint approaching. (My credential only allows me to teach a class for thirty days. Then I will pass this class off to another sub.) While I'll be sad to leave, after this lesson, I won't be that sad. 

No more catapult lessons in the offing, though. The following week they got their first test. *insert evil grin here*

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