Friday, November 27, 2015

Quotation or Misquotation

For Random Quiz Friday (it's back! Well, just for today. No one is checking out blogs today, are they?) I found something from Oxford Dictionaries.

“I always have a quotation for everything – it saves original thinking.” So said the gentleman detective Lord Peter Wimsey in Dorothy L Sayers’ Have His Carcase (1932) – providing us with a handy quotation. But before you start believing everything you hear, make sure you know whether or not a quotation was actually said. We’ve lined up ten quotations in this quiz – but which are real and which (though commonly and mistakenly referred to) are fake?
I got 80%. Pretty good. I said one quote was a misquote and one misquote I called a quote. But otherwise I'm pretty proud of myself.

How'd you do?


  1. LOL; I got 40% :) Cute quiz though :)


    1. It was kind of fun. Interesting how things we think are quotes are not.

  2. I'm still checking out blogs :). I only got 70%. I think all the ones I got wrong were said in real life. But if it was said (or not) in fiction, I knew it.

  3. Replies
    1. Nah. Some of these have been so ingrained in our culture that we think that's what they actually said.

  4. 60 % but I worked out how I could cheat, so I should have another go.

    1. Yes, they do give the answers, so you can always go back and get 100%.

  5. I got 90%. "Hug A Hoodie" threw me off. But in my defense I don't think I should be expected to have a detailed memory of David Cameron speeches.

    1. No, David Cameron speeches we Americans are excused from. (I missed that one, too.)

  6. 70%. Hug a Hoodie threw me off too, but a couple of others I should have known. Alana

    1. I don't know about that. If we all knew them, there'd be no need for the quiz.

  7. The quiz stopped working half-way through, but I was on a 50% streak. I'm so bad at these quizzes!

    1. Yikes. I hate it when the thing freezes up on me.


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.