Wednesday. Third period.
Class started. I explained what they'd be doing. (See Wednesday's post about testing.) They got to work.
Then Jonas made his entrance. Late.
He announced that he was late. He announced a couple things. And he loudly asked what we were doing in class.
The rest of the class was quietly working.
Some students... They never quite get the memo that when you're late, you don't walk into the room like you're the star walking onto a stage. But some students are the stars, and they behave like this.
I had already explained what we were doing for the students who were on time. I also had the agenda typed out nicely on a cute slide that was projected on the classroom TV.
I pointed to this in response to Jonas. He could figure it out on his own.
Sometime during class, Jonas then asked when Ms. B would be returning. Loudly.
The previous week I had said in two weeks. Apparently this was not specific enough for Jonas. He acted like I had not answered the question.
I had a couple students finishing up their testing. I was keeping a quiet room. If Jonas had raised his hand and asked quietly, I probably would have answered. But he just announced to the quiet room, "When is Ms. B coming back?"
Yeah, not responding to that.
Besides, I was going to tell them on Friday that it was my last day.
Which is what I did. On Friday, I made the announcement that Ms. B would return on Monday. My time with them was finished.
Jonas? Was absent that day.