Monday, January 6, 2025

Explaining the Project

I need to explain the why as this is not something I had any intention of making. 

I was surprised to get a Christmas gift from my brother. We had come to an understanding that his presents to me for all birthdays and Christmases were to edit the various videos I made for my YouTube channel

Text exchange. Thanks for the yarn. Amigurumi? Reply: I saw a Minecraft kit, and one thing led to another.

He then texted me this link, and I thought, why not? 

I did some online searching. Apparently, the Woobles patterns go with the kits, but I have absolutely no need for those overpriced kits. I have yarn. I have hooks. I know how to crochet. 

(That is not to say that those kits are worthless. If you don't have the tools nor the knowledge, these are cute. They give you the yarn you need, the tools, and the instructions. Totally worth it for a beginner.) 

I did find a pattern and a video for the character, although not as small or as cute as the Woobles one. But close enough. This I could do.

So, I did.

Amigurumi Minecraft Creeper figure

I have no idea what these things are supposed to look like, so hopefully it's the thing. Whatever.

Amigurumi Minecraft Creeper

And by the time you read this, it should be in the mail to my brother. Because he asked for it... 

(Well, not really. I assume a nephew will end up in ultimate possession of the thing. I doubt my brother plays Minecraft, but I know the nephews do.)

I mean, I was between projects. I needed something to do with my hands. And I had all the yarn on hand, in my stash.


  1. and why not use those hands to make something!! That is why I got started on a scrap afghan, wanting to do something that would not require pulling a lot of things out, I have the needles, the yarn and the time.....until I started making things for a craft show! The yarn project is just sitting here now. Plus, I ran out of scrap yarn so I need to go purchase some yarn now, which in the long run will give me more scrap yarn for another project...haha

    1. You should consider the January scarf idea. Not an afghan with scraps, but a scarf. Fewer scraps. Quicker project. But yeah, I have a couple knitting projects that have been sitting dormant for a year as I got busy doing other things.

  2. I don't have the patience for this kind of project. And, well, this was unexpected. But of course you have the skill and experience to do this without a beginners kit. I can't speak for its accuracy as I've never played Minecraft, but I have confidence in your skills.

    1. No patience for something that took me three days? (A couple hours per day.) You should try amigurumi. They are very quick projects. I think you might like them.

  3. H Liz - I'm glad you didn't make it in pale pink?! Bad me - sorry! Cheers and Happy New Year - Hilary

  4. You’re right, you don’t need a kit. That thing looks … interesting.

    1. Are you seeing what Hilary saw? I mean, it's square, but there is definitely that type of shape...

  5. It's cute. I'm sure whoever ends up with possession of it will love it. I did buy one of those.. the generic version to try to teach myself how to crochet. I learnt and also decided it was not for me.

  6. That is really cute! My boys love minecraft too, they would be thrilled to get that in the mail! I think it's a creeper or a creepie? I finally caved and they got minecraft for Christmas (they only played it at school and at friend's houses before) and there is just too many new names and creatures, I can never keep them straight! They seem very happy though :)

    Hope you had a great Christmas and a happy new year!

    1. The pattern is called creeper, so we'll go with that. I'm sure there are other critters. I may have started something I didn't intend to.

    2. I definitely foresee your great talent turning toward fulfilling this youthful obsession. It could become very lucrative. ;D

    3. I doubt it'll be more than a one-off. I hope.

    4. Awww... I like to think you would inspire young crafters this way. Oh, well.

  7. Yes, must be for a nephew... And it looks charming. I'm learning a lot of things from your blog. I wasn't aware of woobles, for example.

  8. Yes, you're too experienced for the Wooble kits. I bought a few to reteach myself how to crochet. I'm really enjoying making small stuffed animals though I'm branching out from their designs. I have a question for you. I just bought a skein of yarn and I can't find one of the ends. Do you have any tricks for finding it without cutting the yarn? Thanks.

  9. Ha ha, I don't know "wobbles" either but it's cute!

    1. I great idea for anyone who wants to learn to crochet.

  10. Oh. My. God. I need one of these made for my son. He's OBSESSED with Minecraft. I wish I could crochet/knit

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
    Want to follow me on Bookstagram, booktok, add my snapchat or check out my photography?

    1. Well, um, I can be persuaded to take custom commissions. (Email me at mllelizka [at] gmail [dot] com and we can "talk".)

  11. Omg, Liz. Hahahahahahaha! You know where my mind went but I do know the creeper. My grandson used to play. This is hilarious.

    1. You should have seen it before I put the feet on it. Very definitely that shape.

  12. That is a cute creature! And you made your brother happy :-)

    1. I don't know about that. I may get a curious text when it arrives.

  13. Cute little guy! For sure they (brother or nephew!) will love it.


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