Monday, January 13, 2025

New Project Loading...

As I predicted, the Creeper I wrote about last week:

...ended up being given to my nephews. The twins. 

I know this because my brother sent me a video of them "opening" it. (I had wrapped it in tissue paper to mail. My brother brought them the thing in that tissue but out of the mailing envelope.) It's a thing my brother does. He always films his kiddos opening gifts. 

Knowing that this would go to twins, I offered to make a second one. When my brother asked the boys, they threw out other characters that they'd like: Enderman and Zombie. (These are all Minecraft characters. I realize I haven't specified where these characters are coming from. Minecraft is a video game.)

Well, why not?

I haven't found a Zombie pattern, but I did find an Enderman one. (I haven't looked very hard so a Zombie might be possible. I saw amigurumi Zombie critters, just not links to patterns. And it was only a cursory search. Because I'm going with the low hanging fruit here. Easier one to find is the one I'm going to do.) 

There's a video:

I'm not sure how quickly I'll get this done. I'm back at work, so I have less mental energy (and less time) to work on yarny things. But there's no rush. It wasn't timed to a birthday or anything.


  1. Nice to hear they liked it so much!

  2. Another successful gift leading to another project.

  3. It's great you can make some special request stuffed animals. If you're interested in the Simpsons or Pokemon Amigurumi projects, someone just shared a website with me.

  4. Haha, leading to more work for you! But sweet nonetheless.

    1. Yeah, that's the downside. But twins. I couldn't just make one.

  5. You get really good at Minecraft figures and you'll end up with a lot more requests. Very popular game.

    1. If they come looking for me. I won't be marketing my efforts otherwise.

  6. I only knew what this was because of my 12 year old grandson. lol Very cute.

  7. Birgit here…if you make them laugh and enjoy what you created, you made something precious. I think it’s funny looking:)

    1. It is funny looking. I suppose I'd know more about these things if I played Minecraft.

  8. Of course they loved the green guy! The second requested is going to be fun too ;)


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