
Friday, June 11, 2021

Pandemic School Year Stats

Last Friday was the last day of school.

If you have been with me for a while, you know that means it's time for my annual listing of what classes I covered this school year. And whoa, it's been a year like no other. But somehow, I managed to remain employed throughout it all (a statement that I am incredibly privileged to make). 

There are usually 180 school days, and according to the district calendar, it appears that we did, in fact, have 180 school days. I worked 152 of them. That's not quite up to my best year of 164 in the 2018-19 school year, but considering the year, it was very, very good.

Of those 152 days, I covered an extra period on... 3 of them. Because of how things were set up this year, working extra periods just wasn't that common, at least for subs. (The majority of extra period assignments went to full-time teachers.) 

110 of those days were virtual. 40 were days when we'd gone to the hybrid schedule (1 day a week was fully virtual--Wednesday--but the rest of the week we had students in the room and students online). The 2 remaining days were the transition from virtual to hybrid (we were on campus, but the students didn't have to log in to a meet). 

36 days I worked from campus with fully virtual classes. 63 days I worked from home. 11 days were fully virtual but I bounced between on campus and at home. (These were in the long-term I started off the year in, and it varied as to whether I was on campus or not.) 42 days I worked on campus with hybrid classes (or on Wednesdays with them all virtual). 

I spent 91 of those days in high school classes, 42 in middle school classes, 12 at the alternative education center (plus those days for their summer session, which I don't count as they're technically summer school), and only 7 days at the continuation high school.

I covered both the first day and the last day of school. 

Because of the nature of this school year, my individual subject breakdowns are skewed from a typical year. As always "extra periods" also contain when the teacher only taught one period of that subject, for example, if they were the cheer advisor or if they only taught one period of economics. (Of my 3 actual extra periods, 1 was chemistry, 1 was intro to health care, and 1 was graphic arts.) 

  • English: 89 days
  • Math: 39 days and 2 extra periods
    • Integrated Math 1 (9th grade math) wins with 21 days and 1 extra period. This includes the alternative education center's class that I started off the year in (12 days) and the class I ended the year in (9 days). 
    • 8th grade math is in 2nd place with 17 days and 1 extra period. Those were part of the special ed co-teach thing I did back in September.
    • And 3rd place is Integrated Math 2 (10th grade math) with 12 days and 5 extra periods. The 12 days were the alternative education center's class, and the 5 extra periods were the last 9 days of school. (There was only one period of it, and I only had it every other day and Wednesdays.) 
    • As for the rest: 2 days in 7th grade math, and 1 extra period of business math (that was a special ed class where she taught various classes throughout the day). 
  • Science: 19 days and 2 extra periods
    • The top class here was chemistry with 16 days and 1 extra period. 12 of those days were at the alternative education center.
    • In 2nd place is biology with 14 days and 2 extra periods. Again, 12 of those days were with that class at the alternative education center.
    • The only other science class I covered was the intro to health care careers, where I covered 1 full day and 1 extra period. 
  • Social Studies: 18 days
  • Special Ed: 47 days
  • Miscellany
It was a different sort of year. But somehow we managed to make it through.

Previous years' stats:


  1. You've done a great job keeping track especially during such a crazy year!

  2. It's definitely a unique year. I wonder how next year will compare to it.

  3. The last two years were years like no other - we'll hope for normal starting with the next school year. (Our schools where I live in New York State end June 25.)

    1. We've just recently (in the last couple years) moved our school year back. I remember graduating on June 19th. It's an adjustment for us mentally.

  4. It's an interesting set of statistics.

    In the northeast we start school after Labor Day and go through the end of June.

    1. That used to be our schedule. It was up until a few years ago. Then it started inching back to match the mid-August to end of May schedule.

  5. Oh, I wish we were about to hit summer holidays, lol. Winter holiday break (2 weeks long) start 26th June.

    Considering the covid year that was, your days worked are great! Not significantly different to any other year.Of course, that's made up by how weird and unusual the actual working days were, lol.

  6. Impressive. Enjoy your time off.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. Well done for a very special year. I didn't noticed you were teaching French to 😉
    Enjoy your holidays now! (Happy knitting!)

  8. You are so talented for a start to teach this diverse range of subjects, I take my hat off to you working as a teacher in this past year. One for the memory books for sure. I hope you get a rest now!
    Wren x

    1. Not so much, really. I don't have to come up with lesson plans. I just follow other's leads.

  9. Very well compiled, as usual :-)
    I am sure, hybrid sessions must have been quite challenging.

  10. I think it was amazing for all that were able to stay employed through these strange times that we have all lived through and cont to learn different and new ways.

  11. Kudos to you, Liz. That's a lot of hard work and dedication. Teachers are so under appreciated and that needs to change not only in society but in your paycheck! Teachers are also front line workers in this pandemic, and always. Thank you for all you do!

    1. We did have the ability to do this remotely, which helped. Although, I don't think the students liked being remote all that much.

  12. That's a lot of classes and a lot of days. Well done! Substitute teachers don't get nearly enough credit or praise, especially from students, but you're doing an amazing job.


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