Monday, September 19, 2016


I've got mermaid tails on the brain. I have no idea if I'll get around to knitting one, but I have a plan all mapped out. It involves the stitch pattern that's currently the background on the blog. I'll keep you updated...

The mask. It's almost done...

It needs to be blocked, starched, and the ribbons to keep it on need to be attached. Looking at the picture, I realize the eyes are too far apart. I could not tell this by trying it on. I can see just fine through it.

Ah well. My curiosity is sated. Although, I kind of want to make one in orange...


  1. It would be perfect for Halloween. My daughter keeps telling me she wants a mermaid tail, but she's almost at that age where she's out grown those kinds of things, so I hesitate.

  2. I do like the mask. In orange would be cute. I have seen those mermaid tails around. They are cute! In a colder climate I probably would buy one in a heartbeat.


  3. The Mermaid Tail sounds delightful! I've seen several on the net ;)

    1. It's big in knitting/crochet circles at the moment.

  4. The mermaid tail sounds fun! Would be quite an outfit together with the mask.

  5. Cute! And yesss to the mermaid tail ;)

    1. Funny how everyone seems to be on board with this.

  6. The mask is cute! And very mysterious :). The mermaid tail sounds like an interesting project. I definitely would like to see how it comes out.

  7. Love, love, love the mask. And a tail sounds exciting too!

  8. Reckon you could try wearing the mask to school...might keep 'em guessing. he he he

  9. This is cool and orange will be great not only for Halloween but also for Venice and the parties in February. It will be neat to see it when It's finished and to see your mermaid tails

  10. Now you just have to create a hundred thousand more and you've got a business for Halloween. Maybe not. But I'm all into thinking big these days. Great job on the mask.

  11. Turquoise would be good color for a mask
    Coffee is on

  12. Looking good so far. I have to agree. You should highlight it with oranges and make it spooky for Halloween.

  13. I really love the mermaid tails that so many people are making. I want to find a sparkly iridescent yarn to use in one. Good luck.

    1. You might have to pair a sparkly yarn with something more workhorse. I'm not sure if they make bulky sparkly yarns. And making one of these with a thinner yarn could take For. Ev. Er.

  14. Orange would look great for Halloween. I can't believe it's almost that time of year! Where has time gone?

    1. Considering how 2016 has been, I bet many of us are happy to see the back end of it coming.

  15. Those mermaid tails are fun! I do like something to keep my feet warm in the winter. I like your mask, too. It be fun to decorate with sequins or feathers :)


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