Friday, February 21, 2025

The Rose

As Friday was a holiday, our Thursday became the Valentine's celebration on campus. In the pouring down rain. 

I didn't think much of this. I tend to not think of the day at all. 

It was third period. World history. We were reading out of the textbook. There was a knock on the door.

It was the singing Valentines. Every year, the choir does a fundraiser thingy. Various kiddos form groups, and they go and sing for students. They sing a snippet from an appropriate song. Give a card and a rose. Students can choose which group they want to sing for their sweetie or friend. I don't remember how much it costs, but it's not very expensive. Five dollars? Something like that. 

They asked if they could perform. I always say yes. No reason not to. I wondered which student it was for.

It wasn't for a student. It was for me. 

I was stunned. 

I've never gotten one of these before. I looked at the card. It wasn't signed. 


One of the students in the group was one of "my" students. (They get permission to be out of class on this day.) 

Later, Ms. S told me she had sent it. She realized she had forgotten to sign it. 

That was so nice of her. No one's ever sent me one of these before. (Usually I'm day-to-day subbing, so no one would know where to find me, anyway.) 

And we all got to see our student (and their classmate) perform. 

I may not be around today or this weekend. I'll catch you all next week.


  1. What fun! Glad you were appreciated! Hopefully going missing this weekend is for fun. If so, have some.

    1. I'm visiting/checking in on my uncle. So yes, mostly fun.

  2. How sweet! Now all the students will wonder who is your mysterious friend ;))

  3. What a nice gesture, especially given your recent life events. I hope it brought you some joy.

  4. thecontemplativecat here What a great idea, traveling choirs. A great way to avoid the card debacle.

    1. It's a great little fundraiser. They've been doing this for so many years that I didn't think anyone would not be familiar with it.

  5. Some surprises like this are required to sweeten life.

  6. Hi Liz - I hope you're having a fun weekend ... and yes surprises like that - take a while to adjust to - happy times - cheers Hilary


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