
Thursday, June 13, 2019

This School Year's Totals

The school year is officially over, so that means it's time for my annual stats post. (It's an idea I "borrowed" from another blogger.)

There are 180 days in the school year. I worked 164 of them. This is an all time high, beating the 163 days I worked for the 2016-17 school year. This does not count last summer, which was my busiest summer (18 subbing days, although most of those weren't "full" days), nor much of the jury duty of Mr. G at the continuation high school before the schools officially opened (that would be 15 days).

This was quite surprising, really. At the end of the last school year, they laid off 55 teachers. When they lay off teachers, those teachers go to the top of the subbing list, which means us regular subs should expect to work less. But most of the laid off teachers got hired back at the beginning of the school year, and subs were in short supply. We worked a lot.

Of those 164 days, I covered an extra period for 71 of them, and 26 of those days I covered teachers who didn't have a prep period. That's 97 extra periods or 16.2 bonus days.

88 of those days were spent at a high school; 39 were spent at a middle school; and 37 of those days were spent at the continuation high school. There was also one day I spent with a fifth grade class.

I did cover the first day of school (although, it kinda doesn't count) but not the last.

And finally, it's time to break things down a bit more specifically (note: I count a "full day" when the teacher has at least 2 periods of that class. A "single period" means the teacher has a different class the whole day, or I covered it on the prep period. I need a system as some days are kind of all over the place):
  • Social studies: 40 days with 10 extra periods
    • I'm shocked. Go back to previous years, and English is always the big winner. 
    • In first place is U.S. history with 19 days and 2 extra periods. In second place is world history with 18 days and 4 extra periods. I did cover a week of both of these classes, so I'm not surprised.
    • In third place is middle school world history (seventh grade) with 7 days and 1 extra period. Again, not shocked. I covered a week of this, too.
    • Then it's geography (5 days/2 extras) and government (5 days/4 extras), followed by eighth grade U.S. history (3 days/2 extras), psychology (3 days/1 extra), and economics (2 days/1 extra).
  • Math: 38 days with 10 extra periods
    • Most days in math were Integrated Math 1 (what used to be called algebra). Not surprising, as that's probably the math class with the most students in it. 21 days/6 extras.
    • In second place, Integrated Math 1 (read: geometry) with 8 days/7 extras.
    • Third place is seventh grade math with 7 days/2 extras.
    • Then it's eighth grade math (5 days/4 extras), business math (5 days), Integrated Math 3 (4 days/1 extra), math analysis and calculus (1 day--the same day as it's the same teacher for both), and statistics (1 period--again, same teacher as analysis and calculus).
  • English: 35 days with 13 extra periods
    • In third place!?! I'm shocked.
    • Most days were for eleventh grade at 15 days and 3 extras.
    • Second place is twelfth grade with 13 days and 3 extras.
    • Third place is eighth grade with 5 days and 1 extra.
    • As for the rest: seventh grade (4 days/2 extras), ninth grade (3 days/8 extras), and tenth grade (2 days/5 extras). 
    • There were 5 extra periods of journalism, but that's because the journalism teachers teach English the rest of the day.
    • I had 3 days but 10 extra periods of ELD (English language development), and again, that's because those teachers had one period of ELD with the rest of the day teaching other English classes.
  • Science: 31 days with 12 extra periods
    • In first place is chemistry with 10 days. I covered 6 days near the beginning of the year, so unsurprising.
    • Biology is in second place with 7 days/2 extras.
    • Seventh grade science comes in third place with 5 days/5 extras.
    • Then there's earth science (3 days/2 extras), environmental science (3 days/3 extras), eighth grade (2 days/3 extras), health (2 days/1 extra), intro to health care (1 day/1 extra), anatomy/physiology (1 day), and engineering (1 extra period).
  • Special education: 16 days with 12 extra periods
  • Miscellany
    • 11 days with 3 extras in computer classes. 8 of those were in the CAD class while Mr. G was finishing up his jury duty.
    • 2 days with 2 extra periods in woodshop. 
    • 14 days in ceramics. Because the teacher broke his collarbone.
    • 4 days in foreign languages. Spanish (1 day/4 extras), French (1 day), and Mandarin (2 days/1 extra). Yup, they have Mandarin classes.
    • 2 extra periods of drama (because those teachers teach English the rest of the day).
    • 3 days of ASB, 5 extra periods of "leadership" (some ASB, some middle school leadership).
    • 1 extra period of music. 2 extra periods of TV/video production.
    • 5 extra periods of golf.
It's always interesting to look at the numbers. Some of these days I remember, some of these days make the blog, and some of these days the kiddos behaved and the day passed unremarkably. 

I sure get around, don't I?

Previous years' stats:


  1. You were almost full time. And golf is a class separate from PE?

  2. You've certainly had your hands full with subjects, kiddo's and schedules over the last eight years.

  3. Has there been a substitute shortage where you are? I seem to remember reading something like that, but I could be wrong. In any case, it would explain the increase in days. I'm also amused how you worked 0.2 days more than the actual school year.

  4. You've been busy? Have you learned any Mandarin?

  5. I'm going to echo what Alex. Have you picked up any Mandarin? Did they lay off any teachers this year? Do you plan to work much over the summer if called?


  6. How do you track this? Is it tallied on an end of year pay sheet or do you keep your own spreadsheet at home? Now that I'm teaching online, this might be fun to do! It's all English, but there are levels.

    1. I keep my own calendar and tally sheet. How that evolved is a rather long story...

  7. Not sure if there any cuts where I live on not. But in Spokane are a much larger city had some lay offs.
    Coffee is on

  8. Holy smokes! I hope your next post is sharing where you're headed on vacation because you deserve one!

  9. Hi Liz - well that's some endorsement for a sub who's appreciated and obviously is very flexible ... enjoy a little break! Congratulations ... cheers Hilary

  10. What a busy year! And what an accolade that the schools keep wanting you to return.
    That's Purrfect
    Not So Sweet Toffee

  11. That is a lot of working for subbing! least you know where the pay check is coming from! Now I have to ask....OCD? HAHA....those are some records you keep! Now, I assume like last summer you will be working again? Take some time and do something fun for you and I don't mean dealing with a messed up ceiling or a bed that is falling apart!!

    1. Yup, I just did two days of summer school. Come back next week for that story :)

  12. Liz,

    At least you're employed and keeping plenty busy. That's better than what some can say. Teaching other people's kids is hard work. I don't think I can do it. So I applaud you. I hope you have a good summer whether you're doing summer school or just relaxing, whatever you do try to find time for yourself. It'll go by all too fast anyhow. ;)

  13. I wonder if they laid the teachers off over the holidays so they didn't have to pay them? That happens here with contract teachers. the contract ends on the last day of school then they are rehired from the first day of school so they don't have to give them holiday pay.

  14. Good for you for your detailed record keeping!

  15. Wow! You got a lot more work than I did. Almost every day. You are in high demand.

    1. I think the sub shortage may have had something to do with it ;)


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.