Thursday, March 27, 2025

The Boys

Sophomore math. Second period. Monday.

Second period is the class. Every teacher has one. The difficult group. 

This class is made difficult by four boys. They all sit over in one corner of the room, and they spend the period goofing off. Although, they held it together for their test. But during working time...

The previous class period (Wednesday, the day we found out), had been the test. So, on Monday they were starting a new unit on geometry. They had a "what do you remember?" worksheet. And while most of the class was busy trying to remember things (or looking them up on their phones--this was permitted), the boys were playing around. 

They were eating in class even after being asked specifically not to. (Ximenez: "But it's fruit.") They were discussing some new album that some rapper had released. They were talking about gambling. (Jasper to Ximenez: "You keep all but $10 of your winnings, and then bet the $10. You don't bet all of your winnings...") 

If I had been alone and writing this incident in my note to the teacher, I would have said the boys "were having way too much fun". It's not that they shouldn't have fun, but they were clearly not on task. 

But that rap album was too hard to resist. One boy had to play it out. (They have headphones/earbuds. They can listen to music on their own and not blast it for the whole class to hear.) 

Mr. Y warned them to turn it off. And they did, for a time.

But then they played it out again. And again. And again. 

I warned them that it was time to take their phones if they couldn't be trusted to not play music in class. (Me: "I don't want to hear anything coming from your phones.")

But, of course...

This time, Mr. Y went over there and took the phones from two of the boys. Who both claimed that they were not the ones playing the music. 

And yet, the music stopped after that. 

I doubt the boys got any of the work completed. The period finished, and everyone left. Everyone, except the two boys whose phones Mr. Y still had. 

Mr. Y looked at them. I pointed out he still had their phones. 

The boys: "We'll tell you who was playing the music..."

No one knew when class was in session, but after... Yeah. Getting their phones back was a great motivator. 

Not that Mr. Y was going to keep their phones. (He could turn them in to the main office, but considering the situation, it was way more trouble than it was worth. This is a minor cell phone infraction, really.) 

Once the boys left (with their phones), Mr. Y expressed his frustration with the class. Yup, I understood. So, because the boys had been getting on his last nerve, Mr. Y decided it was time to break the group up. New seats for them all.

They did not like this. It helped settle them enough so Mr. Y could teach the class the next period. But after, when they were doing independent work, the boys continued their conversation... across the room. Sigh. 


  1. I can only imagine what a PITA this is! You are both handling it the best you can.

    1. If only they weren't all in the same class...

  2. Their brains still not developed enough to realize summer school may be in their future if they keep this up! They (all students) just can't understand how anyone can go without a phone for any length of time, let alone a day. Oh, not just students, adults too...

    1. In similar situations, I've pointed this out, and the kiddo would say something like they were looking forward to summer school. Like it was fun. Sigh.

  3. Some states are pushing to not allow phones in the class and it sounds like it's much needed!

    1. It is. But just wait. Once their parents start exerting their influence, the schools will cave. That's why the initial phone bans no longer exist.

  4. I simply would not have the patience to do what you do. We currently have phone bans in Virginia; I think they vary a bit by county - but the governor insisted. I remember not growing up with a phone by my side. I didn't have a cell phone until 2000 and then I got it because my mother was dying. So no phone for the first 37 years of my life. And I still just leave mine in the car when I go out.

    1. I didn't get a cell phone until I was 34. These kiddos won't allow themselves a moment of boredom. If there's a pause in instruction, they have to fill it with something on their phones. Sigh.

  5. I can be grateful, in a way, that cell phones did not exist (at least for regular folks) back in the 1950's and 1960's, when I grew up. I learned early how to entertain myself without disrupting the lives of others.

    1. Oh, this was worse before cell phones. When they have nothing to do, most chill out on their phones and get very, very quiet. (Only a few do the whole music thing.) Before cell phones, they would find ways to entertain themselves, and that generally included mayhem and vandalism.

  6. Kids, esp teen boys, YUCK!! for cell phones in case, I don't think that is a thing that should be allowed. Phones will be or downfall.

    1. Agreed. Sadly, easier said than done. (You try taking a phone away from a teenager. Good luck.)

  7. They've finally banned phones in schools here. Wish they'd done it when my Barbarians were there, but better late then never.


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