Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Call Your Reps

Last week I advocated for us all to call our representatives as an action we can take to push back against this regime. And some of you responded that your Democratic reps were safe; you didn't need to advocate. 


So, Adam Schiff is one of my senators. And, he's not been fighting the good fight here. Too many of our senators seem to think they're the minority party in a democracy. They don't realize they're the opposition party under an authoritarian regime. 

We're not there yet? You did hear about ICE disappearing a green card holder, didn't you? 

Court orders are just pieces of paper. Will the regime ignore them? 

And the Dems are acting as if the guardrails still exist. That there will be fair elections in two years or four. If we have no governmental infrastructure left, these elections (if they happen) will be meaningless. 

Now's the time to remind our reps that they're supposed to be advocating for us. They need to fight absolutely everything. This regime gets nothing from the opposition. 

Are your reps voting to help the regime? Yell at them. Are they holding the line? Call to offer your support. Some of them are folding out of fear. If their constituents are blowing up their phone lines to say thanks, they might keep fighting the good fight. 

There are congressional watchers who are listing who is voting for what, and I have to yell at my Democratic senators for upholding things they should not be

(Full disclosure: I haven't been. Most of what I'm writing is to get me started calling my reps to yell at them, too. I'm happy when they're doing what I want, but they're not doing what I want nearly enough.) 

There are a couple good places to help you (and me) get started on this, with scripts. (I need scripts.) 

And an image I found online:

List of actions one can take today


  1. Today the Chief Justice of SCOTUS scolded the administration. Too little too late, I think.

    1. And seriously? I mean, how much of the lawlessness was enabled by the SCOTUS? Dude has so much to answer for.

  2. And Chuck Schumer is my senator. Enough said.

    1. Call on him to step down as minority leader. As a constituent, you have more power than us non-New Yorkers.

  3. I'm in Idaho, that enough said. But I have to Rino who is in our state capital.

  4. This is Birgit…look at you go and I commend what you are saying here. We have Pierre Poilivre who may very well win and he is like Resident Rump…scary. I like calling the SOB Peter Polyp

    1. I'm just so angry. And I have a blog. Until they rendition me to a concentration camp out of the country, I can write what I want.

  5. I had this terrible feeling today, a sick feeling, that some of those folks they deported defying a judge, to an El Salvador prison were not actually gang members. How is anyone supposed to know? I don't trust that they're not making horrendous fatal mistakes in sweeping people up or maybe deliberate ones because life has no value to them.

    1. Of course many of them are probably innocent. But how would we know? The cruelty is the point. Many of this regime deserves to be tried for crimes against humanity already.


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.