I have to go out later and buy bright orange fabric.
I've been working on a purse for a while now. After I finished my Christmas knitting (which got done very early this year), I had time to work on something for me. I had this pattern in a book I got for Christmas
I got through the knitting easily enough, finishing it in about a week.
But then how was I going to put it together? I could either whip stitch it or crochet around the edges. And it needed to be lined.
I've been contemplating this for nearly a month. I made a strap (because I hate I-cord, there was no way I was making the strap of the pattern). Last week I cut lining fabric and sewed on pockets. Yesterday I assembled the whole thing. And I discovered that I hated what came out.
I don't have a picture yet. I'll photograph the thing when it's done the way I like it.
The main problem is I hate the lining fabric. It's a beautiful bright orange, but it's way too heavy for the purse. It was what I had on hand from a previous project (a superhero cape that I made for my nephew). I was trying to avoid a trip to the fabric store.
Last night I went through my button collection to find a fastener for the flap. I didn't find one that worked. At least, I didn't find one that I liked. So, I might as well go out.
In the rain.
Oh well. I have to get groceries anyway. (I'm out of eggs and milk.)
There's no reason to make myself a purse that I hate. If I hate it, I'll never use it. What is the point of that?
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