Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ides of March

Thanks, Danielle, for the heads up.

In last week's post, I learned of this little protest: #TheIdesOfTrump. The plan is to send postcards to the White House, mailing them on March 15th, expressing our displeasure with the current administration. 

Send Trump a Pinkslip!  Write a postcard. Take a picture of it.  Post the picture on social media, #TheIdesOfTrump.  Then mail it to:  President (For Now) Donald J. Trump  The White House  1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW  Washington, DC 20500
Image from DebbiMac

Now, where does one acquire postcards...? (Not really a question.)

And make sure you're contacting your representatives. I keep hearing good things about 5 Calls. They help you find your reps and provide scripts. 

Also, we're boycotting Target over their abandonment of DEI policies. For Lent

What other protests are out there? Any other boycotts? Let me know. 


  1. Thanks for sharing, I'm out of the loop!

  2. I one doesn't know where to get postcards, the post offices have postal cards. They are pre-stamped postcards. No pretty images of course, but easy to get. Contacting our representatives is such a good idea. Mine already keep in contact with me via email (not personally!), and are on "my side" already. Target? I can't remember last time I was there. But, just for Lent? To me, if you feel strongly enough about the issue, you wouldn't shop there at all. To limit it to just those 40 days sounds like virtue signaling to me. Day 41, back to Target.

    1. It's still a good idea to contact your reps. Even just "thank you for voting the way you did". Positive feedback counteracts those that might be contacting them to complain.

  3. My Senators are Chuck a Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand. I think we all know where they stand,

    1. But they've been voting for things that they shouldn't be. Both my senators are dems as well, but I need to yell at Schiff for some of the things he's been doing. (Padilla isn't as bad, but he's voted yes on things he shouldn't have.)

  4. My Senators are the same as Songbird's. For a change, our congressman is not a member of Trump's party. I only know about the various blackouts (like the Amazon blackout this week) and from what I've read online, they are only having minimum impacts. I suspect our President will never see the March 15 postcards and if he does see them, he will just use them as a prop in one of his speeches. Sadly, he may be the best user of manipulation alive in our country today.

    1. It'll make me feel good, though. I'll enjoy sending it. And just because your senators are Dems doesn't mean they aren't capitulating to the regime. Schumer especially isn't blocking as much as he could be.

  5. I hadn't heard about this, good idea though.

  6. thecontemplativecat here. I boycotted Target 2 yrs. ago when the pride/trans displays were bigger than ones for holidays. I felt disrespected by the company's choices and policies.

    1. Then you should be happy. They've reversed course.

  7. I been lot more careful who I purchase things. I need socks and I'm going to Walmart. Yes, and I know Walmart is conservable. I won't get any hanes or fruit of loom socks.


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