Thursday, March 13, 2025


Wednesday, third period. I got a call from one of the counselors. Apparently, we were supposed to be meeting with them so the kiddos could finish registering for classes for next year. Alas, no one had informed me. 

I briefly went over the chaos of this class in my first post about this assignment. The counselors probably emailed their previous teacher, who left at the semester, and didn't require a response. 

The students were working on group projects (that they had just started). I could pivot. It wasn't like I was planning on having them finish that day. 

I had them pack up, and we headed on out. As this shift was unexpected, it took them a few minutes to get things put away. I told the kiddos who were waiting to go ahead and head on over while I waited for the two students who were putting their papers into their folders. They finished, and we followed them. 

I had seven students in the class. When we got to the counselors' room, I found five students. 


The distance wasn't far. There's no way they could have gotten lost. Nope. They ditched. 

Deep sigh. 

The counselors called a couple of the students in. One boy, who is moving before next school year, complained that he didn't need a schedule for next year. The others went pretty quickly. A lot of it is confirmation of stuff they filled out in the paperwork. 

The two students who ditched lost their chance to verify that they're getting the classes they want next year. They were hurting themselves, really. (And I told them where we were going and why.) 

Sophomores. *shakes head* It's an interesting age. (10th grade. 15-16 years old.) Some of them have matured and are reasonable kiddos. And some of them are still playing the games they played as freshmen. 

When the counselors called for the missing kiddos? I let them know they somehow hadn't made it. 


  1. Consequence! Do you think they will try to shift their schedule next year?

    1. I have no idea. These students should probably be added to the floaters list (not what it's called, but what I call it), meaning they have to be escorted by security if they want to use the restroom during class. The kiddos hate this, so it's a fitting consequence.

  2. Back in the dark ages when I was a student, we didn’t meet as a class at the guidance office; we’d get pulled out of class one at a time to meet with our guidance counselor to discuss our schedule.

    1. We didn't even get that. We'd submit our schedule request, and then we'd get our schedule the next school year. No meeting at all.

  3. Group counselor visits? Yes, those students who ditched will have to face whatever consequences result and one can hope they learn from the experience. You know something strange - I only remember meeting with my high school guidance counselor once - otherwise, I was on my own.

    1. Same here. Well, I didn't even get the once.

  4. I never met with the guidance counselor in high school.


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