
Friday, February 14, 2025

Missed Deadline

I started a new long term assignment on Wednesday. There are a few things that I have to do right off the bat with these assignments. Get keys to the classroom. Figure out what I need to teach. Check out a teacher computer. And get access to the gradebook.

This school has a whole new administrative team, so I did not know who was in charge of adding me to the online gradebook. I asked around. Found out. Sent him an email. 

I had to do something in the main office, so I dropped by the assistant principal's office. Mr. R was not there. Since clearly he was busy and perhaps not on campus, I figured I'd circle back the next day. 

(I did get keys and a teacher computer. I was scrambling for lessons, but that's pretty normal for a new gig.) 

For reasons I do not know, the previous sub had not gotten access to the gradebook. Ms. S, the instructional assistant (who's been working at that school for many years), had been keeping up with the grading and had a paper gradebook for the kiddos. So, while there were grades, the kiddos could not see them. 

On Thursday, while in the main office on other errands, I managed to find Mr. R in his office. I asked about gradebook access. He had gotten my email and was going to take care of it. Since I was there, he did it right then. (And I had other questions for him.) 

And, because I knew, I asked the question. When were progress report grades due? 

4 PM. That day. (We were having this conversation at about 2 PM.) 

Yeah. Not going to happen. 

(First I had to set up the gradebooks. Then input the assignments. Then the grades. While I know how to do this, I don't know how to do it well. There's a lot of searching for things and going back to make sure I didn't leave anything out. Grade ranges have to be entered. And that's all before entering their progress report grades into the system.) 

Seriously, the previous sub should have taken care of it. They open the report cards four to five days before they're due, so he could have totally finished that on his way out. But again, he never got the gradebook access, so...

While I felt bad, I knew this one was beyond my control. I let Mr. R know those grades weren't happening. And he understood. 

(How did I know grades were due? Because they always seem to be due when I start a long term. I wrote about it five times in the last three years: one, two, three, four, and five.)

On Friday Ms. S input all of the outstanding grades. It took her all day. She's a rockstar. (Seriously, getting up to speed on this assignment is so much easier with Ms. S there to handle a lot of the administrative tasks that I'm usually scrambling to get under control.) 


  1. Isn't that odd, do you have a guess as to why it's left to you as the sub? Ms. S sounds fabulous, what a great help.

    1. As there is no actual teacher there, it becomes the sub's job. The last sub should have done it. And there should have been an administrator paying attention.

  2. Thumbs up for Ms S. Thumbs down for the previous sub. Nice (being sarcastic) when people don't do their jobs and expect the person taking over to make up for it.

    1. I don't think the previous sub was aware. There should be an administrator paying attention, but new staff, so...

  3. So much to do and not enough time to do it especially if you don't have access to some of it.

  4. Thank goodness for Ms. S. Sounds like the long term subs are being taken advantage of, or at the least, being put in a tough spot!

  5. thecontemplativecat here. Your subbing always has some things that mess up and leaves the sub scrambling.

  6. It's always good to have support in the form of someone like Ms. S. Yay!

    1. Yup. It's great to have an aide. Makes my job easier.

  7. It seems like they know a long-term sub will arrive, so why take care of it themselves? Leave it to you!

    1. The previous sub was a long term sub. He should have done it. Just like I won't leave anything to the next sub that I can handle.

  8. Wow, sounds like a hot mess. Seems several people dropped the ball. A sub not familiar with that particular building probably should have asked more questions, then again, the person in charge...the principal should do a better job overseeing stuff. Glad you got to the bottom of things and got the help you needed.

    1. I was warned away from this class. But I didn't realize it was *this* class until I had taken the assignment.

  9. You were a victim of "That's the other guy's problem."
    That is most unacceptable.
    Mostly because you're not a guy.

  10. Someone like Ms S pops up most such times, I think. That's what's best about life is.

    1. Oh yes, she's making this so much easier than it would normally be.

  11. Hi Liz - sounds like a challenging time ... but at least you've been involved with the school for a while and thus have some concept of life as a sub - good luck ...cheers Hilary

  12. I mean, I could have gotten it done... Nope. I had two hours. If I had had more time, but I didn't, so I won't worry about it.

  13. Too much busy work. You need an assigned secretary assistant.

    1. I have one. Ms. S. I don't usually get one, so I am very grateful she's there.

  14. It's so annoying to end up being the someone else when everyone else decides to leave something for someone else. Ms. S. sounds great, though.

    1. Can't do it if I don't get what I need in time. Sigh.


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