
Monday, February 17, 2025

A Head in the Game

Mid-January, I talked about doing the Minecraft Enderman amigurumi after having completed the Creeper. And then I got a cold. And then my mother died...

On Friday I finally got off my butt and dug out the yarn I'd need. 

I got started. I got to almost the end of the head, and I realized I had read the pattern wrong...

I did back loop single crochets instead of back post single crochets at the point where the top turned into the face. I went looking at the video, and I realized that I had done the eyes wrong, too. Sigh.

As the above had taken roughly one TV episode to complete, no big whoop. I'd rip out and start again.

Both of these pics are from Saturday. Before I ripped it out and after. The after took a bit longer than one TV episode. (I got about half done by the time we watched this week's Severance.) 

So, some progress. I have a long four-day weekend. (They gave us Friday as well as Presidents' Day Monday today.) I've been taking it easy, but having something to do with my hands is relaxing for me. 

I hope next week I can show off a completed figure. 


  1. Cute little face! Or, not so cute, it looks like it's plotting! I am not familiar with Minecraft, other than my youngest played it when it was new, the developmental version. It's come a long way since then.

    1. I have no idea if this looks like the character in the game. I'm not familiar with the game either, other than to know it exists.

  2. I hope it helps keep your mind off of things. I lost my mom back in 2011 and it gets easier as time goes on but I know right now it's hard.

  3. I'm always impressed at how fast you can crochet. It feels like it takes forever for me to finish anything.

    1. This was small. Really small. Those back post crochets took the longest.

  4. I can't wait to see the finished project. Saturday I made a dinosaur head and must not have followed the pattern. I had to redo it yesterday.

  5. I only realized today is a holiday today. I have no idea what that is you are making, have never played minecraft.

    1. I've never played Minecraft either. I wouldn't have looked for this Enderman without being told it was a thing. It's easy to forget holidays when you don't have a job where those holidays are taken. I'd forget them all the time when I worked retail.

  6. This is definitely a good way to cope with bad situations and I hope this project is therapeutic - with no more frogging needed. I don't know much about Minecraft so am looking forward to seeing the finished product.

    1. Last night I was having difficulty with the arms, but I don't think frogging will be necessary there.

  7. It’s hard reworking things, but it looks like tge project is coming along .

  8. I'd hate to rip apart anything that's done... But sometimes one can't help it.

    1. Depends on how much you're ripping out, truly. I was close enough to the beginning that it wasn't a big deal.

  9. Can't wait to see it.

    1. Hopefully it'll be done sooner rather than later.

  10. The new head looks great, these eyes are scary! I'm very sorry for your losses and I hope knitting provide some entertainment and distraction.


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