
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Webrings? In 2025?

So, the news is terrible. Everything I was afraid would happen is happening, in spades. And there appears to be no resistance. I just... 

Rather than wallowing, this week I wanted to point out a new bit over there in the sidebar. It's a smaller version of this:

It's not new new. I joined it a couple weeks ago. I was going to blog about it then, but then, well, you know. And I've been a bit distracted. 

Anyway, a couple weeks ago a guy over on BlueSky (Greg Pak) thought it might be a good idea to revive some things from the early blogging days (before algorithms curated what you see on social media) because the forces of censorship have gained momentum. For obvious reasons. 

The idea was to bring together active bloggers. And, well, that's you. If you're reading this, you're obviously an active blogger. 

The website is here. The instructions for how to join are there as well. If you're interested, that is.

He's also done an old school links page. Here. Some of you might be interested. 

And if you're way more computer savvy and want to create your own, I'm in. I'll join you. 

I mean, I'm sure I could create my own. But right now that's not happening. So, if anyone is game, let me know. 


  1. I have no idea what that is, but I will check it out!

    1. It's some bloggers. I have no idea if they're all that active.

  2. I'd not heard of it either, but will take a look.

  3. Five years ago, I would have jumped on this. But my circumstances have changed. I won't close the door on it. And thank you, because I hadn't heard anything about this.

    1. I understand. When you get busy with life, you don't have time for all the internet things.

  4. Replies
    1. But I can’t figure out how to add the gif and code

    2. I'll have to backtrack to remember what I did. I think I just used an HTML widget to put in the code. He approved me pretty quickly, and I added it to the sidebar.

    3. I don’t know how to add anything to the sidebar

    4. Ah. That would present a problem. One of these days, when I have more time, I'll figure out a better way to describe how to do this. (Might be summer, though.)

  5. Thanks for the info. Will check it out.

  6. I'll have a look, but there are sooooooo may sites, it's tough to keep up with.

  7. Hi Liz - I did look ... but not for me - glad you'll be enjoying it. Cheers Hilary


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