Friday, March 7, 2025

The Pivot

Friday. Sixth period world history. 

Jasper walked in. He said something about another student in class being absent. And we waited for the other students to arrive. 

There are only four students in the class. Two of them tend to be late. When the bell rang, I figured they'd be along shortly. Only, they weren't. 

I had a class of one. 


As we were doing our warm up activity (CNN 10), I pondered this. I had a lesson planned. But, if I did the planned lesson, when the other students returned, I'd have to find time to give them time to make up what they missed. 

(Yeah, I should just have them make up the work missed on their own time. But they won't do it. They're already behind, missing work from the days they were in class. I gave them a make up day this past week. They're still behind.) 

I discussed it with Ms. S, and she concurred. I thought of a movie that would kind of go with what we've been discussing, and I put it on. 

Yeah, movie day. Kinda meh, but better than having to reteach the lesson to the missing kiddos upon their return. 


  1. Class of one, yeah what else can you do?

  2. How frustrating. I wonder if Jasper is upset the others put them a day (hopefully they showed up next class) behind, or happy he could watch a movie instead. I'd have been peeved.

    1. He was happy to do no work. Then he went and was absent the next class period (when they had standardized testing), so he got them back ;)

  3. one in class, good way to keep that student engaged. Course
    I would have hated to be that one.

    1. Yeah, it's kind of weird. But it happens. Rarely.

  4. I remember an exercise class (back when I went to them) when I was the only one, and it was a fantastic hour of one-on-one instruction. But of course that's a totally different thing and I was an adult and I wanted to be there. I think you came up with a good solution, thinking on the fly.

    1. One-on-one instruction can be great. If the kiddo wasn't fully caught up, this would have been a great day to get him done with stuff. And if I was a full-time teacher, I might have had some amazing activities to do with him. But, on the fly, where I"m at, this was the best I could do.

  5. Small class problems! I love how you adapted with the movie. Hopefully, the late students catch up soon!

  6. Hi Liz - well you adapted appropriately in the circumstances - well done ... cheers for the weekend - Hilary

  7. It's understandable that you don’t want to overwhelm the students who do show up by making them do extra work when the others return, but it’s also tough when some students fall behind and don’t take advantage of makeup days. Hopefully, you can find a way to help them catch up without too much added stress.

    Do you have any strategies or tools that tend to help when students are frequently behind? It can be a challenge trying to get them back on track, but maybe there’s a creative way to engage them while helping them make up missed work!

  8. That was a good decision. For all!

  9. I'd have got into a nice personal chat with the single student.


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