Note: You may have heard my area has been hit with multiple wild fires. As of now (Thursday night), my immediate area is safe. The fires are north of me. We are, of course, holding our breath as the red flag warnings are still in effect as our area is dry and anything might spark a wild fire nearby. (I'm not tempting fate. I'm knocking on wood, crossing my fingers, and doing anything else in hopes that my area remains safe.)
Thursday, the last week before winter break. Seventh period.
Elise hovered at the door, looking in. "I'm not going to be in eighth period today."
Me: "I'm not your teacher. You need to tell your teacher this."
Ms. D had a class called "math support & enrichment". This is an extra math class for kiddos who have difficulty in math. Which means that for a sub it's an nightmare, usually. Imagine a room full of kiddos who hate math, who will avoid doing any math work, and it's their second math class.
As Ms. D is a co-teacher, she only used the room seventh period. For eighth period, Ms. F took the room for another math support & enrichment class. As I'm sure Elise was well aware.
Elise: "I have cheerleading practice today, so I won't be here."
Me: "I have no access to Ms. F's attendance. You have to tell your teacher."
It was a weird day, with us having every period for 29 minutes. (Usually they're on block schedule with only odd periods or even periods.) So, when Elise asked to stay, I allowed it. (Some of them might not have a seventh period but will have an eighth. It's weird.)
Of course, this was a mistake. Elise was with her friend, and there were two boys. And, the four of them were in play mode. (They had no work to do. Normally I'd tell them to get caught up on missing work, but we were near the end of the day, and the grades were due. There was no work for them to get caught up on.)
If the class had been any longer, I would have kicked her out. As it was, I had to separate the group for doing inappropriate things in a classroom. ("But we're friends. We always do this at lunch.")
(Read: swiping each other's cell phones, taking video and pictures of each other, kicking each other, pulling elastic and smacking each other with it, etc.)
So, since Elise hung around seventh period, she remained behind for eighth period to tell Ms. F she wasn't going to be in class, right?
Nope. I ran into Ms. F the next day and asked. Elise was not there. Nor had she checked in with Ms. F.
Elise: "I won't be here eighth period."
Me: eye roll.
Then I shooed her out. She asked to stay. After Thursday? Nope.