Thursday, March 6, 2025

Grading Concern

Wednesday. Fourth period. 

Tyson strode in the room, upset. "You told me not to worry. You told me I wouldn't get an F." 

Tyson is new to the class. He only started it a couple weeks ago. He transferred from another school. (I presume he just moved.) 

When he arrived, we were in the middle of a unit. Since this is a special ed math class, our unit consists of graphing one kind of problem. As we were going to be doing more days on this, I figured that Tyson would catch on and catch up. I wasn't going to make him responsible for the worksheets he missed before he joined the class, but he could start where we were at. 

The worksheets that Tyson had done had many errors. Ms. S (the instructional aide who's been doing all the grading) informed me that the kiddos were missing many problems on their assignments. So, on this day, as luck would have it, the plan was to give the students a day to redo the problems they missed to improve their scores. 

I attempted to calm Tyson down. He was in a panic about having an F in the class. I explained that once he made the corrections on his assignments, his grade would rise. Tyson was stuck on the F and how that would effect his ability to play football. 

He had lots of questions. Ms. S sat with him a while to help him. By the end of the period, he seemed way more confident. 

And, as he finished his corrections, Ms. S graded and input his new scores. His grade went from an F to a C-. And it's only going to go up from there. 

It's hard to come in mid semester. But I knew that Tyson's grade wasn't going to be an issue. 

And, we kind of want him on the football team. That kiddo is huge. 


  1. I can see why having an F would make him worry about football. Good thing his grade came up after some help.

  2. I'm glad it worked, and that he cared!

    1. In day-to-day subbing, I tend to only deal with the kiddos that don't care. On long terms, I get to see the ones that are trying.

  3. Accountability. Well done all around!

  4. Hard to start at a new school mid-year. I have to assume it was out of the district if his records didn't follow him. Glad you were able to help him and calm him down!

    1. Yes, I'm not sure where he moved from, but it was a ways away.

  5. My special needs brother in law suffers from major anxiety. Well done getting Tyson calmed down and on the right track. It's hard enough for non-special needs students when they move midyear.

    1. You wouldn't know he was special ed by looking at him. But yeah, anxiety gets teens pretty easily.

  6. I’m glad she was able to work with him.

    1. She works with all the students who need the help.

  7. At least he got help, calmed down, and was able to raise his score.

  8. Nice job turning around a potentially negative situation into something positive!

  9. Footballers are sometimes more needed than scholars.

    1. For their football team? Meh. I mean, they might have a good season next year, but if it's like last season...


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