Friday, February 7, 2025

Minimum Day Surprise

(If you haven't seen this Monday's post, you probably should. It's here.)

Thursday. After checking in for the day, I headed to the classroom. I happened to look over at a sign with important dates for the month. As it was the 30th of January, all had been marked off except one. 

"Navigation Night, Jan. 30th."

Navigation Night is what they've rebranded Open House as. Since no one attended Open House anymore, they put it earlier in the year and turned it into a time when various classes could show off their offerings to students to entice them to take various electives the next year. 

They do this before the kiddos have to start setting up their schedules for the next school year. 

None of this impacts me as it takes place in the evening. But, Open House always turns that school day into a minimum day. 

Did I walk into a minimum day without being aware of it? Yes, that I did, in fact, do.

It was a nice surprise. Yes, I do get paid for a full day, so I can just enjoy getting out early. 

(Not that I enjoyed the day, particularly. But, that was due to *waves hands at everything*. If you did not see my post earlier in the week, on this day my mother was fading out. She passed away last Friday.) 


  1. You needed that minimum day. What a hard thing, to work under those circumstances.

    1. It'd be worse if I was at home, stewing. Better to be busy.

  2. That was a nice surprise. It's a shame parents aren't as involved as they used to be. Open house was a huge deal when I was growing up. I always went to my oldest son's when he was in elementary, and it was well attended. The streets would be clogged with cars. Navigation Night sounds valuable for students not sure about electives.

    1. I don't know what happened, but it kind of peetered out. Navigation night is way more helpful, I think.

  3. Oh no!!! I'm so sorry about the loss of your mom... Sending a warm hug...<3

  4. I am so sorry about your mom. My condolences to you and your family.

  5. I understand what you mean about staying busy during such a loss. Hugs and healing wishes to you and yours.

  6. Great timing, I'm glad you got to bow out early.

  7. I missed your earlier post. So very sorry to hear about your mom passing. My sincere condolences.

  8. Navigation Night sounds better than Open House 😊

  9. Even with the small surprise of a minimum day, I can only imagine how heavy that time must have felt with everything going on. Wishing you peace and comfort as you navigate this difficult period. 💙


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