
Monday, June 17, 2024

Glaring and Sniffling

My first full week of summer vacation saw me doing not much of anything save resting. This cold (or whatever it is) that I've had since Memorial Day weekend decided now was the time to go big, and I've been dripping and stuffy and just generally miserable all week.

I did not do any yarn-y projects.

The only thing I did manage was to mark out where the corners on this thing will be:

The teal markers are for the corners. (The ones on the bottom ended up under the piece when I took the picture.) The peach markers are for the middles of sides. (This is important as the corners get treble crochets while the middles get single crochets or slip stitches.) 

And as I now have niece's measurements, I can get going in earnest. Once this cold blows over. Any day now...

Eye sweater previous posts:


  1. This is going to be great, it looks like.

  2. She's going to love it! I'm sorry you've been sick. My youngest insists (only half joking I think) that one can't get sick when the weather is warm! He can talk, he is nearly 30 and probably can count his total illnesses on his fingers. I'm surprised he got COVID.

    1. It seems like I've gotten sick for every break this school year. Winter break. Spring break. Summer vacation...

  3. Hm, I wonder if I gave you my cold through the internet.

  4. thecontemplativecat here. Being sick absolutely sucks. We both had a week+ of sickness. We did a Covid test (have kits), and all was fine. Such a lovely pattern.

  5. You are probably exposed to so much illness at work so this mystery may be hard to untangle. Hopefully, it's allergies but I'm sure you would have taken the OTC meds for that already just to prove or disprove.

    1. I don't know what it is. I believe I'm improving, so I'm going to continue to believe that.

  6. Sorry you've been sick for so long. It's definitely lingering and then getting worse. I hope you feel better soon.

  7. Best wishes on recovering! And I'm looking forward to the finished project.

    1. Me too. Especially since niece's birthday has now passed...

  8. This looks are so talented dear :-)
    The Art Diary

  9. Fell better soon!
    Jamie (

  10. A much needed rest is always good, esp when you are not feeling up to par. A nose drip is not fun, you bend and there it comes pouring out of the nose. I had allergies when I was younger, mostly it hit my eyes, as i became a teen it was the whole head. I took shots for ten yrs. stopping in 06. I started feeling allergy issues again in 2020, but this yr has been TERRIBLE! It actually put me down twice for two weeks at a time this yr. Course when I say down, I mean I was not out running around. I stayed in. Between this and the UTI's, its been a bad six months in my new spot. Course i am thinking, rural area, more trees and bushes and that might be the reason that its been worse. I need to get some honey from this area and take it.

  11. Crap, meant to say I hope you feel better soon. You need to be able to go out and do soemthing you want to do. Didn't you work last summer as a sub for the summer school? Or was that the summer before?

    1. That was the summer before. I'm on the summer school sub list, so something might pop up. Hopefully after I'm feeling better :)

  12. It's great to do some prep, this is progress after all! Not fun to be ill when it's vacations time... I hope you will feel better soon.

  13. I hope you feel better soon. Peppermint tea calms that head. Takes the sniffles and tearing away.


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