
Saturday, April 13, 2024

Locked In, Part 2

Because I don't usually blog on Saturdays, my A to Z plan is to just post a picture and be done with it. And we saw how that worked out last week...

Let me start with the picture:

But the picture needs context, so... 

Back in February, I wrote about the day I tried to get out of my car at work, and the lock snapped on me. Have I gotten this fixed since then? Of course not.

I tried to find an auto body shop... Okay, so I meant to find an auto body shop, but I haven't quite gotten to it. I can lock my car door from the outside, so I've been doing that. And promising myself I'd figure out how to get the lock fixed eventually.

But guess what? The school I'm doing my long-term assignment at has an auto shop.

There's a long story of me ending up in a room with the auto shop teacher (there was a meeting about a software program that our students are using), and the conversation turning to the students needing projects, and I mentioned my little issue.

Mr. A, the auto shop teacher, had me leave my car with the auto shop (which is just a couple buildings over from where the classroom I'm in is). They took a look at it, and the above is the part needed to fix the issue. (I also allowed them to "inspect" my car. Why not? It's for their education.) 

I went to order the part. It would arrive during spring break. I got the call it was in. I went in to pick it up. On my way to my car with this in my hot little hands...


The asphalt of the parking lot is very cracked and uneven. I was wearing sandals. I was walking too fast, probably. I'm not sure. I lost my balance, and I landed on my chin. Well, mostly my right knee. And my left knee. And I have a bruise on my left palm. My right wrist is very sore.

(I'm writing this on Friday the 5th. It happened yesterday. By the time you read this, I should be considerably less sore.)

I had about five bystanders immediately around to help. Sigh. I never seem to do this sort of thing without an audience of some sort. (I have done this sort of thing too many times.)

As you can see, the part is undamaged. Now it's just a matter of getting on the auto shop's schedule to get the part installed. (They were supposed to do it this week, but wires got crossed and it didn't happen. Hopefully soon.)

When I got home from my little spill, I discovered my face full of asphalt. (I got a nice purple bruise on my chin a couple days after, not pictured.) So, bonus picture:

I couldn't resist the selfie. I washed the black muck off my face right after I took the pic.

Wishing you all an accident-free Saturday. Now, tell me your fall stories.

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter

the letter L rendered in knitting


  1. I'm glad your fall wasn't more serious! I hope you were right about being less sore today. Audiences make falls all the worse, don't they? My driver side door handle broke off from the outside a few months ago. Just one more of the "little things" that cost an average of $150-$200 to fix. The car is fine mechanically, it's just old (2000) and those "little things" go.

    1. 2000 for an old car? Mine is a 1993...

      Yeah, I'm feeling less sore today, but still sore. I'm definitely healing.

  2. Oy … I hope you’re feeling better. Glad the car will get fixed.

    1. I'm starting to feel better *now*. It wasn't such a great week, though.

  3. My falling stories. Let's see. There are the times I slipped and fell on ice (now, in my 70's, ice terrifies me). There was the time I started to sit on a slippery bench in an ice cream parlor and slipped right off onto the floor in front of a full parlor of customers. I guess you could call that a fall. There's more, but let's end it here. I'm hoping you are mainly healed now, and I'm hoping you can have an operational car lock soon.

    1. My knee's still sore, and my chin still has a bruise, but both of those have considerably lessened.

  4. Oh gosh, I hope you feel better today. I hope your knees are OK. When I took my fall lady Sept I really screwed up my knees and they still look icky. It sucks that you fell but I'm glad people helped you. I hope the car gets fixed too.

    1. I hope your knees heal up soon. Those are the worst when it comes to continuing pain.

  5. Oh gosh, falling with audiences. It's a pain I know too well, but its nice you got so much help and concern. Good you didn't break any teeth or facial bones. Nice the students will fix your car.

    1. Yes, I'm very lucky it's just a bruise on my chin. I know how much worse it could have been.

  6. Sad though you couldn't help it. Hope you're ok now.

  7. Moving right along with the alphabet! I love that piece, I don't wear a lot blue but that is a pretty blue.

  8. Aïe, sorry for your fall, and the bruises. I hope you are better now, and the car fixed ;)


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