
Friday, April 12, 2024


Wednesday. Seventh period. It was my prep period, and I was doing what I've been doing during all of the prep periods during this long-term assignment--preparing for class. 

That means I did a little bit of grading, a little bit of lesson planning, that sort of thing. I keep hoping to get done with my stuff before the end of the period, because if I do, I can sneak out early and go home. 

I got through everything I absolutely needed for the next day. I was even current on the grading. I looked at the clock. I had less than ten minutes before the final bell. 

Deep sigh.

Right at the bell for the end of the day, the traffic getting off campus is crazy. If I get out right before the bell, it's okay. If I can't, it's better to wait about ten minutes for the traffic to clear away. 

At the moment I could have left, that would have put me at my car just at the bell. I'd be in the worst of it.

I scanned my pile of stuff to do to find something to do for five minutes. 

The co-teacher and I had determined that the math classes would have their next test the week after spring break. The day we returned, we'd give them a study guide and some time to review what they'd need for the test. 

The co-teacher had modified the test that Mr. J. had left. (We were doing the section in two parts, so there were topics on the test we hadn't covered yet.) I then volunteered to modify the test study guide to reflect the changes. I had even made the copies so they'd be ready for us after the break.

But I hadn't written out a key for the study guide.

I had five minutes...

And really, it only took me about five minutes to get it done. At about the time the bell rang. 

I got to my car a bit after that final bell. Where I encountered the expected traffic. Ah well. If I had left earlier, the traffic would have been worse. 

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter

Letter K rendered in knitted fabric


  1. Same like at ballgames and concerts and leave before it is over and its better but if you wait, you are with the crowd. I am not an over patient person so waiting is not easy for me, BUT....if I have someone to talk to while I wait, I do better. But on the flip side of that, I like staying to the end of things!!

    1. It's like, don't leave right at the end. Hang out for a bit. And then the traffic is a bit better.

  2. You got work done and you avoided the worst of the traffic. I would call that a win.

  3. More kids drive to school these days than when I was a teen. There was a student parking lot, but most kids took the buses. I have traffic! I also hate getting stuck behind school buses. That's because in my city they stop on every block. Every single block. Why can't teenagers walk to the end of the street and get on all at once? I used to walk, not a mile in the snow, but up a very steep hill. My age is making me cranky!

    1. More kids are driven to school. It's definitely a thing. But fewer kids drive themselves. (They actually took out the student parking lot and turned it into a soccer field. We don't miss it.)

  4. Anything to avoid traffic. Especially high school traffic (shudder).

  5. I'm always trying to avoid traffic, to the point my husband sometimes gets confused by my chosen route. lol Best wishes!

    1. If you know the traffic is going to be bad, of course you'd avoid it.

  6. God bless you for teaching high school students. I went to school for english and everyone thought it was to be an english teacher but it was actually for writing...i couldn't make lesson plans and grade essays all night every night. the only essay i want to work on is my own.

    1. Ah, the trick there is to only have them write essays occasionally. There are ways to minimize the grading ;)

  7. Some things happen for our own good. Do you like to think of life as a process in which good many things happen for our good one way or another? I do. Just for the heck of it.

    1. That's way too deep a question for a Saturday morning.

  8. We often forget the prep and planning that teacher's have to do, often taking their work and efforts for granted

    1. Oh yes, there is definite prep work involved.

  9. This seems like a win win situation


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