
Monday, April 25, 2022

Updating the Plan

I have new yarn incoming. 

Today is the twin nephews' birthday. They're turning nine. They opted for birthday money, so no knitting for them. 

Their elder brother, middle nephew, has a birthday in about a week and a half (May 4th). He'll be twelve. He also opted for birthday money, so no knitting for him. 

(Eldest nephew--who turned sixteen--had his birthday back in December.) 

That leaves niece. She turns twenty-one in June. 

Since my yarny plans were wide open, I texted her to find out what she wants for her birthday. She opted for another top. She gave me a couple options, and we agreed I'd make her this one

I ordered the yarn. It should be here soon. (Today. Tomorrow. This week for sure.) 

So, the Calash that I've been working on will be put on hold. (This should surprise no one.) Currently it's at: 

But while ordering the yarn for niece, I just happened to peruse the yarn website a bit more, and I found that t-shirt yarn I wanted to knit myself a new purse with. The last time I looked, it was out of stock. But it was there now. So, I ordered it. 

I'm not sure what this purse will look like yet, other than it'll be a shade of brown. But choosing yarn forces other design choices, so it'll get easier from this. I might just actually start that new purse that I've been talking about starting

Which means the Calash will be waiting longer to get completed. 

We'll see how things go. 


  1. The calash looks very bful..happy knitting to u. And happy bdays to all who are celebrating!🙂

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

  2. At least your niece wanted something from you other than money.

  3. Yay, much to look forward and celebrate in your family. Not too much knitting though ;-)

    1. Sometimes it's nice to not have a lot to knit.

  4. That’s a cute top your niece chose. To be physically young and carefree again. This time I noticed the different patterns in your calash of a scarf. Very cool!

  5. The seven-and-a-half-year cardigan, part II: the Calash. :)

  6. Love the colours in your creation. I haven't knitted anything but now I am tempted too! You are a lovely aunt!
    Dropping by via A-Z challenge from

    1. It makes it easy when the yarn does all the work. Thanks.

  7. Happy birthday to your nephews. Your niece chose an interesting tank top - ah, to be young again.

    1. Yeah, not something I'd ever choose, but I don't have to wear it. It'll be an easy enough knit.

  8. That's a cute top she picked for this year! This is Lisa from Lisa's Garden Adventure, but all my posts are showing Anonymous with no option to use my Google account. I have to approve my own relies on my own blog, which show they are from Anonymous!

    1. Thanks.

      Yeah, this update to the commenting system sucks. If you go into "Name/URL" you can type in your name and link to your blog. It's what I have to do right now. Sigh.

  9. Gorgeous colors for the calash! Part of me felt a bit sad that the nephews opted for cash this year. :)

    1. I'm kind of not in the mood to make too much right now, so I'm rather happy not to have to make them something this year.

  10. I love the colours and the pattern of the calash - wow. How fun to have ongoing projects.

  11. As kids get older, they tend to want money more than gifts. I like the top your niece chose.

  12. Sadly most people just want cash these days.

  13. Maybe. It's fine, though. I'm at the point where I don't really want to have too many projects going.


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