
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Aggressor

What if? It's the basis of many stories. We ask. We ponder. We wonder. 

On Tuesdays I throw one out there. What if? It may be speculative. It may stem from something I see. It may be something I pull from the news. 

Make of it what you will. If a for instance is not specified, interpret that instance as you wish. And if the idea turns into a story, I'd appreciate a thank you in the acknowledgements ๐Ÿ˜‰

What if he does try to acquire Greenland and/or the Panama Canal? How would he do it? Are we turning into that national aggressor sending its military out to acquire territory? Aren't we over this ridiculousness yet?


  1. He might be just blustering. He does that a lot but I can't see the US acting as an agressor, to forcibly takeover another country's land. Like it or not, we handed over the canal zone. As for Greenland....I can't believe we'd attack the Dutch.

  2. He gets an idea in his head, and like the proverbial pit bull (they can be wonderful pets, my own Mickey has some pit in him, so I'm not anti-pit), hangs onto it regardless of being told to drop it. He didn't listen to his advisors last term, and apparently won't this time if yesterday is any indication. After the official speech he made another he said was "better," as it included what his aides hadn't let him include earlier. I hope our military refuses any orders to invade another country. The problem I see this time is before they didn't know what to expect, and either were fired or quit. Now, they know and are hand picked to do what he wants. Crazy stuff is what he wants. We are not over the ridiculousness, it will just get more ridiculous.

  3. Yes, yes I am over this ridiculousness!

  4. Even in a what if situation I can't see that happening.

  5. It would seem we've discussed purchasing Greenland on many occasions. Once our current President gets an idea in his mind he doesn't let go but I somehow doubt he will actually invade another country. But if he does, he has supporters in the military and I don't think they will refuse such an order from him.

  6. This is Birgit…he still thinks of Manifest Destiny and sees our rich lands and wants it maybe to gift it to his boy Putin. He gets off on creating fear and mayhem. It reminds me of an episode from the original Star Trek episode where this entity comes on the Enterprise and creates anger and discomfort to the the crew. The crew get angry and turn on each other. Suddenly, you have the Klingons on board and everyone wants to fight. Spock realizes what is going on , that thing feeds off negative energy creating strife and fear. McCoy creates a drug that makes everyone happy and high as a kite. Everyone starts laughing, enjoying each other’s company driving out the evil entity….kinda like Trump.
    He’s a bully and a stupid one at that but with money surrounding him. We can’t show fear or disruption, rather we must show defiance and a bring it attitude. Good luck orange goo in taking over our beautiful land…it will not happen.

  7. Trying to take over Greenland or the Panama Canal would definitely cause a lot of problems. It seems like a step backward in terms of respecting other countries' rights.

  8. In JFK's inaugural he said, "Civility is not a sign of weakness." Of course, he delivered his address outdoors in 20ยบ cold with no coat, was a legit war hero, and was pursued by Marilyn Monroe instead of having to pay (off) Stormy Daniels. Oh yeah, and his tan was natural. So I propose that men who are secure in their masculinity can afford to extol civility and men who are not act out. It's tragic that DJT's insecurity is so powerful it can damage us all.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.