
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Parsing the Fine Print

Seventh grade world history. Monday, third period. 

Every teacher has one. For this teacher, it's third period. They've been in play mode since I met them. 

For the beginning of the semester, they've started studying medieval Europe. They were given a poster assignment. It's mostly about Joan of Arc, but it's also about the Hundred Years War. Ms. B gave them all the info they needed to include on the poster on slides in Google Classroom. (Apparently they've done this sort of thing before all through the first semester.) 

In the instructions, there was a big warning: do not trace from the computer screen. 

But alas, seventh graders. Tracing things has become de rigeur for them. They whine that they can't draw, that their work doesn't look good, and that they need to trace pictures. 

I point out that this is not an art class. We're not looking for perfection. We just want them to use their own creativity. 

So, on Monday, I was again pointing out that they were not to trace their pictures...

Student: "Can we trace from our phones?"

Deep sigh. 

The middle school rule is phones are put away in backpacks. If I see them, I get to confiscate them. And, I reminded them of this rule the previous week. I would think that if phones are forbidden... But seventh graders. 

Student: "It says no tracing from the computer. It says nothing about phones. Ms. B lets us..." 

So, I reiterated NO TRACING, pointing out that phones aren't to be out during class. 

But no, that wasn't good enough. The student said he'd email Ms. B. 

Later that day, I got an email from Ms. B about other things, but she mentioned getting an email from a student about tracing from his phone. Her take? They shouldn't have their cell phones out ("they are sneaky") and no tracing. 

Exactly what I said. Well, mostly. 

They really shouldn't doubt my word. (If I'm not sure about something, I will hedge, then clarify with the teacher. But if I give an instruction, I'm fairly certain I'm making the right call.) But middle schoolers. 

So, no one tried to trace again, right? A couple class periods later, I found a student tracing the pictures from his computer. Sigh.

(I'm still learning the students, but I'm about 50% sure it was the student who emailed the teacher. Because, of course.)


  1. Classic middle school, he has to learn the hard way instead of following instructions!

    1. They insist on the thing they want going the way they want it to. In some instances that's fine, but when they're told not to do something for reasons, they resist.

  2. I suppose the only thing to do is take off points if they trace! Not that how well they drew matters, but that they kept defying the rules! (Personally, I'd let them trace. Or have printouts ready for them to creatively use. It's a history lesson, not art! It reminds me of my daughter's sophomore high school history class where they were given coloring pages of Thomas Hobbs, and someone else, I forget who. This was around the time we decided the CHSPE was a better choice for her!)

    1. I'm not sure how Ms. B will grade them, but I'm sure there is some penalty for tracing.

  3. I'm old fashioned enough to wonder why they are teaching middle school students history (and not art) by having them make posters, but then again, I'm not a teacher.

    1. They do lots of project-type stuff. It's way more engaging than just doing written work all the time.

  4. This is one of the main problems with computers - they ruin the student's creativity. Most students of mine copied stuff from internet or chatgpt for their recent project.

  5. I like the history of medieval Europe

  6. Morning....I am not really sure if you want my thoughts on cell phones but here goes, I don't think they have a place in school. I know some use them in math for the calculator, but I don't agree with that either. We were never allowed to use calculators in school and of course that was LONG before cell phones. lol.....Personally, there are several places that I don't cell phones should be used, school, bathroom, out to dinner, in the grocery stores.....just my thoughts. As for tracing. I have to admit, I trace from the laptop sometimes, but I really need to get out of that, I need to keep up the freehand drawing. Truth, I am better at painting then drawing!

    1. Agreed. Would you like to explain this to certain parents? That's where the pushback is. There are certain parents who made a stink when there was a complete ban. Lawsuits. At a certain point, the district gave up fighting back.

  7. "because of course"--another classic line! Love your stories. They capture the age group mentalities so well.

    1. They really do think differently. It's fascinating to watch, when they're not directly battling me.


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