
Monday, January 20, 2025

Video Thumbnails

I'm slowly building up my YouTube channel. I finally put up a link in my sidebar here. (Eventually there'll be a picture there or something.) I'm working on a new video. (I'm in the process of finishing my example piece so I can finish shooting.) And I finally made thumbnails for the videos already posted. 

(A thumbnail is the image that sits on the video in the search screens. Before, I let YouTube pick a random frame from the video, but these were of a partially completed project. It's easier if people can see the completed project, because that might get people to select it.) 

It turned out that it was pretty simple to do. I used Canva. And it didn't take me long once I figured out what I was doing. 

(Figuring out what I was doing didn't take as long as I expected it to. But that time and energy needed to be factored in to the project.) 

And these are my finished thumbnails: 

Crochet Lip Balm Holder

Crochet Egg Lip Balm Holder

How to Crochet a Water Bottle Carrier

How to Crochet a Mobius Scarf

Knit Your Phone a Pyramid Pillow

I need better pictures to create better thumbnails, but these are way better than what was there before.


  1. I subscribed to your channel. I'm scarymary66.

  2. It's cool you've got your YouTube channel up.

  3. The lipbalm holder, for some reason, reminds me of the lanyard (some call it boondoggle nowadays) keychains we used to make at camp in my early 1960's childhood. I like your thumbnails.

    1. Yeah, it does kind of look like that. Not intentionally, but I'm not offended by the comparison.

  4. Jamie: I've subscribed!

  5. Very nice. I love the lip balm holder and the water bottle carrier you made for me.

  6. So cool. Love the name of the chanel as well.

  7. The one for the egg shaped lip balm looks like a baby in a bonnet! I would guess the mobius scarf would be popular.

    1. That one is over an hour, so likely not that popular. It's a process.

  8. Your thumbnails look great. It's definitely a lot of work to have a YouTube channel.

    1. It is. But I need some sort of ongoing project. It keeps me going.

  9. Congratulations, Liz, on taking the next step with your YouTube channel! Thumbnails make a huge difference in attracting viewers. I know Canva. It is a fantastic tool and I'm sure your viewers will appreciate the more polished look. Good luck with your new video and the upcoming example piece!

  10. Birgit here..these are all great!

  11. These are great thumbnails, it's a great addition to your YT channel.


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.