
Monday, April 29, 2024

Yarn Bag

My condo complex has a laundry/mail room. In it, there's a table where people can leave things they wish to get rid of. I once left some candy that I did not like, and the person who came in right behind me took a look at it and took it with her. 

Last week I went to retrieve my mail when I saw this on the table:

Well, of course I poked around. Stuck in the various balls and skeins of yarn were knitting needles and crochet hooks. And there was more yarn crammed inside.

I resisted. 

I don't really need any more yarn. I still have skeins and balls that are sitting, waiting for me to get some idea of what to do with them. I still have a couple skeins of that blanket yarn...

I finally figured out what to do with my leftover blanket yarn. I spied some kiddos at school toting around big, squishy amigurumi critters. Made out of blanket yarn! My mind is whirling. 

Now it's just a matter of finding the right pattern/critter that will work with the colors I have. I am not going to go out and buy more blanket yarn. I do not need any more yarn!

I need projects. And since nothing is really calling to me, I can figure out projects based on the yarn I have on hand.

Like amigurumi critters. And Christmas string lights. (I made another one this week.) 

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter

the letter Y rendered in knitting


  1. Lots of yarn …

    I hope you find an interesting project

    1. I've got some ideas. Finally. So, that's progress.

  2. Way to stay strong and resist the knitter's temptation. My mom totally would've taken the entire bag. LOL

    1. I would have if I had some place to store it. I do not.

  3. You left it behind! What will power! Someone gave up from the looks of that tangle. Amigurumi, a new word for what my 41 year old son had as a child, a pink pig he got in a thrift store and dubbed Pigson (if I remember correctly, I can't believe I have to think about it). He had me sew snout nostrils on it! I think it's in a box of things in my closet! I get a lot of Instagram ads for beginner kits for these. I didn't know they were a "thing."

    1. The term only came into English in the last couple decades, but definitely the stuffed toys have been around way longer. It came from Japanese.

  4. thecontemplativecat here. You are already putting together patterns and yarn in your brain. Passing on the yarn took a great amount of strength to pass them by.

    1. Not really. I have no place to store it. And as I have no immediate use for it, it would have been more trouble than it was worth.

  5. Sometimes the question is how many UFOs are too many - other times is how many Un-Finished Objects is too few. Starting projects is so much fun.

    1. I don't really have a UFO problem. I'm weird that way.

  6. Oh I have a sweet spot for those Amigurumi critters.

  7. Someone didn't want their yarn? I wonder why.

  8. I still check out the fabric in thrift store. Although I haven't bought any for a long time.
    Don't need any more.

  9. I don't know if I would have investigated and found the crochet hooks - I don't need yarn and I don't need crochet hooks - but the packrat genes in me may have kicked in. Maybe.

    1. I was tempted to dig through and just take some tools, but I reminded myself I have plenty of tools.

  10. I have to resist garage sales for same reason. Don't need more junk. Have to look up those critters now.

  11. Knowing me, I would have grabbed some.

  12. Well, too tempting to pass up! I'm looking forward to see your amigurumi, the ones you showed are cute.


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