
Monday, March 25, 2024

Plotting and Planning

After finishing the afghan, the next item on my knitting agenda is the dragon swatch. Back in January I explained that I have to rip it out and start over

If this was a video, I would point out where the errors are. 

Have I touched this since finishing the afghan? Not at all.

I'll need to drop a lifeline before I start frogging, and I just haven't had the mental bandwidth to sit down and attempt it. I'll get to it sooner or later. Likely later. But spring break is next week, so I should have some time then. I hope.

I had time this weekend, but I spent much of Saturday trying to fit my Tuesday "what if?" questions to the letters of the day. I'll be doing April's A to Z blogging challenge, but nothing changes around here. My game is to fit what I'd normally write to the letter of the day. 

Have I prewritten anything? Just the what ifs. But that's pretty standard for me. The first couple years I did the challenge, I created a "back up" list for just in case. I never used it. So, I don't do that anymore. 

And now I'm rambling, so I'll stop. I hope everyone has a great week planned. I've got four days of work, and then it's spring break. Yay!


  1. I always have issues getting back to something that I messed up the first go around. Its like my heart is not in it anymore. But, you will get it don't. I never did anything but knit and pearl, no drop stitches or pick ups....just plain knit.

    1. You should branch out and try cabling. It's fun.

  2. April comes around so quickly! I have prewritten it all, but for the gardening blog it's just simple photos. I missed last year due to COVID, so I'm looking forward to it. Spring break!

    1. I think those that succeed tend to have their posts prewritten. Or, they're like me and they have a routine down that they continue to follow.

  3. Nice you're taking up an A2Z challenge too.

    1. I've done it before. I know how to get it done. (Likely. The minute I say I've got it covered is the minute something happens to make it go away.)

  4. I’ve pre written most of my blog posts for 5be challenge. They’re in addition to my usual posts.

    1. Oh, I could never do that. I bow down to your effort. It'll make the challenge go that much easier, of course.

  5. It's one of those errors where no one else would notice, but you yourself can't allow it anyway. I just had to redo a section of my cross-stitch project for the same reason.

  6. Have fun on your spring break! And good luck with the A to Z challenge. It's a big time commitment. I hope you enjoy it.

  7. You'll have to forgive me if I've missed some posts; I've been busy both in the yard and kitchen. :) Let me just add that we have lots of meal options. lol Best wishes!

    1. Nothing to miss, really. Just the usual blathering. I'm glad you've been busy.

  8. Yes,I can't see the errors..your dragon looks great. Congrats to you for doing the A to Z

    1. It's hard to see in the picture. In person it's obvious.

  9. I am in A to Z and have prewritten the amazing total of three posts. I'd better up my game this week (at least for certain days, for certain reasons). No, I don't see your errors. And this is the first I've heard of lifelines, which is probably because I only crochet. Yes, I looked it up. Happy it isn't as important in crochet - I had to frog a row of my temperature afghan over the weekend.

    1. I don't think crochet really needs lifelines. Just put a marker in the stitch you want to rip back to, and that's all.

  10. I. think I should restart this A to Z blogging challenge.

  11. Good to see that you will be doing the A to Z Challenge.

  12. Yeah for spring break (and for A to Z challenge, even if I don't do it this year, it's fun to visit blogs)


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.