
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Not Very Surprised

It was bound to happen eventually...

This year, the school district has contracted with some agency or other to bring around drug sniffing dogs. I saw the notification of this at the beginning of the school year. I've seen them on the various campuses. They were even going to search one of my classrooms, but they came around on a prep period (no students), so they skipped me. 

Last Thursday was the day.

It was towards the end of first period. US history. Juniors. The class was, as usual, pretty mellow. The door opened, and it was an administrator with a couple other people, one of whom had a big dog on a leash. 

Oh, okay then. 

We all stepped outside. (The class contains seven students. All were present.) We waited. (It was a sunny day, so it was nice to stand in the sun.) Then the door opened, and Alvin was pulled inside.

Uh oh...

It was a few more minutes. Joey talked about how he no longer did "that sort of thing". He also informed me that he had a couple friends (who still did "that sort of thing") who knew when the dog was coming and would warn people. 

Then they let us come back inside. Alvin's backpack was packed up, and Alvin was escorted from the room.

And... I wasn't shocked. 

Currently, Alvin has a 21% in the class. He'd been promising that he was making up the work he was missing. He would bring it "next time". But each following class, no work. He was also consistently late by at least a half hour a day. 

And... Yeah. He seemed like the type. 

(If you had asked me about drug use before this incident, I wouldn't have singled him out. I wouldn't have pinpointed him as someone who was high. Of course, I wouldn't have singled anyone out as I wasn't particularly looking for that issue. But when you call my attention to it, yeah, it didn't surprise me.) 

The teacher next door had noticed us standing outside. When I informed him of who was whisked away (we share students, so he knows Alvin), he wondered if Gerardo would know more, as the two are buddies. (I have Gerardo in eighth period.) Later, Mr. B reported back that Gerardo said that Alvin had alcohol on him. Or, at least that's what he thought.

Will I find out for sure? Maybe. If I learn anything interesting, I'll report back.


  1. It doesn't surprise me that the word might get around before the big day as per Joey (wonder where the leaks come from) but since Alvin got caught, what happens to him? Guess it depends on what they found on him.

    1. Oh no, he was talking day of. They don't know before the day.

  2. Not really sure how busting them for drugs is going to help them do better at school. It certainly won't make them stop.

  3. Maybe they'd find little alcohol in someone's locker back in my day. I hope it was weed and not something worse.

  4. It's weird how everything starts to make sense when you get a little more information.


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