
Monday, April 24, 2023

Twins Turn Ten

Last week was just one of those weeks. Work got busy, so when I got home, I wasn't much in the mindset to do any knitting (or crocheting). 

So, I went through my picture archives on the blog. (I was looking for a specific project that apparently I never blogged about. Sigh.) And I stumbled across these. What are they? 

They'll make more sense modeled: 

So, I've mentioned that I have four nephews, right? They've gone by various names on the blog over the years, but lately they've been eldest (who's 17), middle (who's going to be 13 next week), and the twins. 

The twins turn ten... Tomorrow. Sigh. 

(Why couldn't T day fall on the 25th?)

So, anyway, I talked about the project here and I did the birth announcement (sort of) post here. Ten years ago. 

I'll spare you all a roundup of all the things I've knitted/crocheted for them over the years (mostly because I don't have the time to hunt them all down), and just leave up their baby pictures. 

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter


  1. The two little guys are cute in their custumes, no girly at all, and fitting so well. Happy ten's birthday to them!

  2. Sometimes there are just those days when you just don't want to DO! I have a lot of those don't DO days. Matter of fact thinking today might be one of those days! Then there are those days when you want to do but you just can't mustard it

    1. I've had a lot of those days lately. I just don't want to do. So, I'm leaning into that until I get back to the point where my fingers are itching to be busy.

  3. thecontemplativecat here. So true. I start writing, doing laundry, then back to writing. The laundry may have to sit in the washer for a while.

    1. Sometimes things get done later rather than sooner.

  4. YAY to twins and YAY to their tenth birthday!

  5. I commented on that post. They can't be ten. I refuse to believe it.

  6. Yes, they made more sense modeled! The parasols threw me. Tortoise and hare. How cute! I love that the hare bottom is a diaper cover. Are they as excited about being 10 as kids were when I was turning 10? Two digits! Happy Birthday to them.

    1. The little umbrellas were a joke. My brother had bought them for me for Christmas that year, I think.

      They all moved to Ohio, so I have no idea what they're feeling about turning 10. I don't talk to them very much anymore.

  7. It's too bad you don't have much contact with your nephews any more. I could never see you as an Aunt Clara (and yes, I know the reference).

    1. It's my own fault. I could call more frequently.

  8. I forgot to wish them a happy 10th birthday tomorrow.

  9. I like that jade color.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  10. There seem to be a lot of those weeks.

  11. Oh gosh, from newborns to ten year olds, how time flies.

    1. It sure does. I still remember when niece was just born, and she turns 22 in June.

  12. Time flies and you wish for the days when you could cuddle them

    1. I like them older, actually. They can tell me what they want and what's wrong.


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