
Monday, March 13, 2023

Crocheting at Work

Last week I was just tired. 

It wasn't a bad week. I had been summoned for jury duty, so every night I had to check in to see if I had to report the next day. And every night it said no, not tomorrow, but check for the next day. It said that every day until Thursday night, when it said, "Your jury duty is complete". 

So, I worked as normal. Luckily, with the online app, I could take jobs for the week with the knowledge that if I had had to report to the courthouse, I could cancel the assignment. I booked a full week knowing that I might have to cancel, and then I didn't have to cancel. 

Being so tired meant that I didn't make much of any progress on the pillow cover. I knit maybe six rows. 

But the classes I covered all week were pretty mellow. They were mellow enough that I had time to work on my take along project: the Möbius scarf crocheted from birthday yarn.

That's why there are no new pictures of the pillow, but I do have new pictures of the scarf. 

I was able to add two more rounds last week. Since I'm working from the inside out, that means every round increases the width by double. 

Remember when I was debating which stitch pattern to use with which yarn? I think I made the right choice with the cobweb stitch

You can't really see the stitch pattern (which is good because I can make mistakes without them being noticeable), but it gives the feel that I was looking for. And it grows much more quickly than the previous iteration. 

So, I might just get this thing finished sooner rather than later. Yay.


  1. You are very talented with yard!

  2. I do not know that stitch but then again, I don't knit much. I do the straight across, knit, pearl, knit, pearl....nothing fun and confusing! lol....Doing I operate in a daily fog learning of new things seem to be an issue and can confuse me so easy. That has been one of my biggest issues, learning to except that. Also, I know that in my mind, an artist stands out in certain ways, sometimes it is in the things they wear, wild prints or colors. I am not that kind of artist. I love browns. I have always loved brown. I love having browns and beiges in my life. So I love that scarf. Did you know that for about the last seven yrs or so, it has been so hard to buy brown or even beige? You see I don't like white, I don't like wearing white shirts, but you could not find cream. I much rather wear cream then white. And brown pants, could not find them anywhere. But the one that really got me was accessories for the house, no brown. NO brown throws, couches and chairs, bedspreads etc. I have noticed however that seems to be opening up some these days. And when you are a brown person, you are not a fan of all the gray people have been using in their, you know prob more about me than you ever wanted to know.

    1. This scarf is crocheted. Not knit.

      Yeah, brown has kind of gone out of style. This yarn was bought for me in 2019.

  3. I like the pattern. I can't really quantify why. It t just looks neat. The scarf seems like it's going to be cozy, too.

  4. That's always great when you can work on projects at work. And when you don't have to do jury duty!

  5. My doctor gave me a written warning that my migraines affect my thinking process.

    1. this is thecontemplativecat

    2. I always seem to get migraines when I report for jury duty. I think it's stress. Maybe it's a stress headache, although it feels like my migraines.

  6. Thank you for doing your civic duty.

    I like the stitch pattern.

  7. That's really pretty yarn. We have two tv chairs covered with that coloured fabric. And it is a very pretty stitch. I know Spider Stitch, but I am going to have to learn Cobweb :)

    1. It's just a shell of three double crochets separated by a chain and anchored by a single crochet. On the next row, the shell is worked into the single crochet, the single crochet is worked into the middle double crochet in the shell of the previous round.

  8. I am not familiar with knitting stiches, not being a knitter, but that stitch is giving a really nice look to your scarf.

  9. Work, knit, no jury duty - win-win-win!

  10. Even though I'm a retired attorney, I was glad I was excused from jury duty because I was taking care of my mom. Glad you're making progress on your project.

  11. I will be 59 this year and I have never been called for jury duty. Yes, I have a drivers license and an registered to vote. I just have never been called.

    1. I think I was 19 the first time I was called. Maybe 21. I was in college at the time. I have been called about once every 5 years since, although the last couple times were 2 years apart. I've chronicled my experiences on the blog under the tag "jury duty".


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