
Monday, May 11, 2020

In-Between Days

Last week... 

I'll just blame it on the migraine. Not much in the way of knitting got done. (Although, blaming it on the migraine doesn't explain what I didn't do Monday through Thursday when I was migraine-free.) 

I started a couple more masks. I found patterns for two new projects. And I continued to work on the baby blanket... 

What baby blanket? Yeah, I haven't mentioned it before, primarily because it's new. 

My landlady saw my SIL's scarf, and she really liked the colors of the yarn. One of her grandchildren is having a baby (due in July), and she asked me to make a baby blanket. (This will be her 9th? 11th? great-grandchild. I've lost track.) So, she got me the yarn and I made her choose a stitch pattern. 

It's coming along... 

When I went outside to photograph my work thus far, I caught the turtles out sunning themselves... 

I think they have the right idea. Happy Monday.


  1. You're in demand.
    That's a lot of turtles. Cool you live near a pond.

  2. Replies
    1. When I've got nothing in the way of knitting, it's time to photograph the wildlife :)

  3. That's a lot of great grandchildren. She might not even be able to keep track of them all.

    I love the turtles! I want to go pet them!

  4. Congratulations to her and the family. What a nice gift - beautiful colors. And those turtles are fabulous. Nice find.

    1. The turtles aren't hard to find when the weather's nice.

  5. It was difficult to see the turtles at first, but when I did I smiled. Heads lifted, love turtles.

    1. That was as close as a dared get. They tend to scatter when people get too close.

  6. And if I had given myself permission to do nothing on the day I wanted to, I probably would have headed off the migraine. 20/20 hindsight...

  7. I think I went outside at the start of the day. It was chilly nearly all day today.

  8. I always wonder how the turtles manage to clamber up on some of the rocks and logs I see them sunning on. The ones in your photo look like they found an easy one to get to though!

  9. Migraine can be awful.
    Glad to see you have new orders :-)
    Nice photo of the turtles!

  10. The weird stop-and-go pattern of the weather brings on more migraines. Love your handiwork and the photo of the sunning turtles.

    1. Alas, I can't blame the migraine on the weather. It turned a couple days after I was over it.

  11. Love your mask! I can’t wait to see the baby blanket and wow to this lady being a great grandmom many times over. Here, we have had snow but, thankfully, nothing has stayed.

  12. That’s funny Liz, 😁 I betcha those sun turtles are happy. Great progress with the kit

  13. Lovely turtle picture. Oh, if only we could have sun AND no wind AND some warmth. At the same time. I would soak it all up. And I am making progress on my WIP blanket while I am cold. BTW, I like the color on your latest work.

    1. That colorway is pretty popular, especially among people I know.

  14. I love seeing what you're making and what a compliment that someone saw something you made and had her own special request. That speaks to your talent and that is awesome. :)
    I wish there was somewhere around here that had turtles just out n' about. I miss them. Lots of them in Michigan.

    1. It helps that we live right on a man-made pond.

  15. I hope you're migraine free now. I'm looking forward to seeing your masks. I'm trying to crochet some again. My dad hates the cloth/elastic masks, but has agreed to wear it if I make him crochet masks.

    1. I posted a pic last week. I didn't want to rehash, so I left it out this week.


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