
Monday, March 23, 2020


As of Thursday, L.A. County is officially "safer at home" and the state of California is "shelter in place". And this is in effect until April something. (I won't believe an end date until they tell us it's ending tomorrow.)

I finished the periwinkle beanie in time for last week's post, and it made it to my niece on Wednesday. So, at the moment I only have one 2019 Christmas present still outstanding, and that's the huge scarf I'm making for my sister-in-law.

I originally bought two skeins. At the end of the first, I measured and calculated, and I figured I'd need two more skeins (four total) to make it the length that SIL wanted. I went out and bought one more skein.

Why not two? Well, the shortfall was going to be about six or seven inches, and I thought that'd be close enough.

But then I got to thinking. I could crochet a border around the whole thing. That would give it more of a finished look, and I'd have enough yarn with another skein to do that, as I'd only need just a bit of the skein to finish the full length.

This all occurred to me at about the time they closed the schools.

I ventured out on Wednesday to procure another skein of the yarn. Just in the nick of time, it turned out. Yarn stores are not "essential businesses", and they're now closed for the duration. (I knew it was going to happen eventually, so it was a priority to me to get that done sooner rather than later.)

Alas, while they had the right colorway in stock, there was a noticeable difference.

(This is why we're always urged to purchase enough of the same dye lot to complete the project.)

The one on the left is the skein that's attached to the project. The one on the right is what the store had in stock. (And yes, I dug through to try to find another that looked more like the one on the left.)

What to do? I have an idea. I'll show it off once it's done. Hopefully it'll look deliberate and will work. Time will tell.

Has anybody got any good projects going?


  1. I can’t wait to see what you’ve done

    1. I'll post pictures as soon as I finish. Whenever that is.

  2. I bet you'll make it work.
    Most stores are still open here but I can see more shutting down soon.

  3. OH NO.....I hope you don't need anymore yarn after that! I love putting borders around things like that of a solid color to give it that little POP..Great job. You might have a lot of time to get projects done with this virus. I for one have a lot I want to do but the craft room is not set up and I can't set it up till I am able to haul stuff to GW.

    1. I probably should have gotten a solid color. That would have been a good idea. If I had been thinking...

      You might want to find a place to store your donations for the duration. Are you locked down yet?

  4. Yes, my project is to write about the things I see during the lockdown.

  5. Good luck with your knitting. I can't wait to see what you end up doing. I'm sure it will be a nice distraction from the outside world.

  6. You knitted slippers for me in that yarn. I love them.

    1. The yarn I used for your slippers was sturdier. This is a bit fluffier, more blanket like. Glad you like your slippers.

  7. It pretty well still wide open which business is open here in Idaho. I am guessing my area end of week more things will be shutting down.

  8. All the non essential stores are closed now. Our PM was not happy how people are still congregating with their kids at the playgrounds etc.. which is beyond stupid. Did you hear what some of the Italian mayors have said? They don't pull any punches and one threatened people with a flame thrower..hahahaaa. I know you will make this look like it was meant to be

    1. Same here. They had to officially close basketball courts, tennis courts, etc. Then they had to close park and beach parking so people wouldn't go there, park, and hang out. When people start dying en masse, people will get the message.

  9. Looking forward to the unveiling, Liz. Lucky sister-in-law. :-)

  10. I had no idea the colors could be that different between different dye lots. Wow. I can't wait to see what you do with it. I'm hoping to have more time to work on granny squares now.

    1. Usually the difference isn't that pronounced, but sometimes...

  11. If you're going to do a border anyway, why not do the border in the "slightly off" color? But I must confess, I can't visualize what you're talking about, so I'm looking forward to seeing it.

  12. The Barbarians have until Easter with online learning, so I am going to struggle with time until then, but I am going to dig out a project I bought the wool for but didn't start two winters ago. I want to get back into more regular crochet time!


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