
Monday, August 5, 2019

Progress of a Sort

Back in April, I posted this picture...

...and I promised to explain when I had more of it finished.

Surprisingly, I've been making quite a bit of progress on it lately. (I thank my little Arctic Air cooler. It keeps me cool enough so that my hands don't sweat which normally at this time of year curtails most of my knitting projects.) I have almost finished three panels...

I'm making a windmill bag.

I saw this image on Instagram almost a year ago. And I was entranced. I could do that. All I needed was four long rectangles.

I started it in November. I got as far as you see in the first picture. I set it aside to work on Christmas and whatever else, not picking it up again until about two weeks ago. And since then, I've finished what you see above. (Well, by the time you read this, three panels will be done, and I will have started on the fourth.)

It's coming along. I may finish this sooner rather than later.

I also got some more pictures of the blue walking purse...

These are more so the scale of it is apparent...


A close up...

What do you think? Do these images give a good idea of the scale?

I was going to model them, but getting someone to photograph me wearing it wasn't working out. And I couldn't find a model. (It'd be easier for me to take the pictures as I know how I want them to look.) So, this was the next best thing.

It's amazing how long it's taking me to do anything with my projects lately. I'll blame the heat.


  1. That's cute with the windmill purse! That walking purse is adorable! Blame the lazy days of summer too! You will be back in the classroom soon won't you? Kids started back today here.


  2. I don't think I 've seen the windmill purse. The walking purse has many uses.

    1. It's a thing only if you Google it. I'd never heard of it before stumbling across it on Instagram.

  3. The panels are cool looking. Love those colors. I think the picture shows the scale of the walking purse, but I'm not thrilled with the angle on it. It's just a weird nitpicky thing on my part. I think the front of it should be pointed up, towards the viewer.

  4. You do get scale from the photos. Cute purse.

  5. That windmill bag is going to look awesome when it's finished.

  6. Oh I like that. Great job. Reply to your comment on my blog, my sliverware is mismatched now! haha

    1. I think I meant more for random person. I like the idea of mismatched silverware.

  7. Following thru is tough to do. I will take 4 of them.

  8. Wow, it does look beautiful and I'm awed that you are following through! I tend to leave half-done projects aside.

  9. Hi Liz - they could be fun ... but what I see here is really pretty - cheers Hilary

  10. I like the texture of the purse. The pictures show the scale well. Nice job!

    1. Thanks. The pattern is called Dragon Skin.

  11. I think they do a good job showing the scale, which is so helpful when choosing a purse.

  12. Super cool. Clicking on the link, I can see why it's called a windmill bag. :D

    Pairing the wee bag with a chair helps in showing its size.

  13. Windmill purse?? I can’t wait to see it. I love that sweet blue purse and having it hang off the chair does give a great perspective.

  14. Dragon skin is the perfect name. I think it looks pretty. And I did google windmill purse. Very cool. Looking forward to seeing how yours turns out.


I appreciate your comments.

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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.