
Friday, August 2, 2019

Pirate Movies Quiz

For this week's random quiz, I went to Sporcle and clicked on "random quiz". And it gave me a pirate movie quiz.

Well, okay, then...

Missing Pirate Movie Words Quiz

It gives you a movie with one word missing. You click on the missing word from the supplied list. Do take note that there are "prev" and "next" buttons. Feel free to skip around. 

I managed a 92% (22/24). Considering I'm not big on pirates, I find that pretty good. Let me know how you did in the comments.


  1. 75%; 18/24. I thought I did pretty good considering I don't see many movies!


  2. My honest first reaction to this was: They're more than one pirate movie? I managed to get 20/24, I guess because most of them I didn't really think of as pirate movies. I had no idea about some of the old ones, though.

  3. I only got 16. I'm terrible about movies, though, and worse if they are about pirates.

  4. 16...some I have never heard of! Only knew the blockbusters and guessed a couple.

  5. haha....once again, I sucked! I am so BAD at timed test like that. My mind just seems to go blank. Oh wait, it stays that way any more. Thanks for the comments on yesterday blog, I was having sort of a pity party on my own. Yes, I have been trying to get through without asking for help, I tend to that but once I get this water PT going if I am still having major issues I will be looking for help with that. I am hoping that once the pain starts to get better some of the depression will go away also.....

    1. Pity parties are necessary sometimes. Nothing wrong with that.

  6. Aargh, not trying this one either. They would make me walk the plank if I failed....

    1. You might be surprised at how many you know. There were several that I didn't even think of as pirate movies.


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.