
Monday, July 15, 2019

Called It

Do you finish things you start? I generally do. No matter how long it takes.

Over the last year and a month, I have been working, off and on, on an infinity scarf. It was a fingering weight yarn, and I was using size 2 needles. That means that I was using a very fine yarn, and each stitch was very small. So, the finished product was going to need a lot of stitches.

I cast on 324 stitches. I figured I'd work until the yarn ran out.

I've talked about the scarf as I've progressed. Here are the posts if you'd like to see it as it grew:
But then, almost two weeks ago, I took a look at the scarf. It was looking wide enough.

How wide should a scarf be? I decided I'd aim for 8 inches.

I measured my scarf. It was 7 inches across.

I was... gulp... almost done!

Keep in mind, I've been working on this puppy since June. 2018. (Ravelry is great for keeping track of these things.) I was beginning to think I'd never finish the thing.

8 inches is long enough. I was calling it. One more inch to do...

I pretty much dropped all my other projects and focused on this one. And on Friday, I finished.


Just to get an idea, I tried it on to show you how big it is (even though it's not for me)...

And I had a bit of yarn left over. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it. I'll worry about that later.

Now that that's finished, I can concentrate on the other scarf.

I started this one in November. So, totally doable by December, right?


  1. They both look great! I like the color of the purple; it is stunning. That's the word that came to me when I saw it.

    Good for you for sticking with your projects and eventually getting them done! I do finish most projects that I start or want to do. I know there are some things I want to do but I know I won't finish them so I don't pursue them.


  2. I saw the scarf on Instagram. It's beautiful.

  3. Well, at the rate you're going, you're about on track to finish it in December. They both look cute. It might take a while, but they are getting done :)

  4. That looks amazing! Well worth the effort you've put into it.

    I wonder if finishing that one might spur you on to finish the next one even quicker. Nothing motivates me quite as much as finishing a project.

    Cait @ Of Needles and Noodles

    1. The other stitch pattern is more fun, so that might help, too :)

  5. I believe Captain Picard would say "Make it so, now Engage!"

  6. It looks so pretty. I wouldn't worry about how long it has taken. I cross-stitched a birth sampler for each of my nephews and niece when they were born. The youngest nephew has been waiting 10 years for his to be finished. It's nearly there!! *blush*

  7. Hooray for finishing. It looks awesome.

  8. Hurrah! They both look gorgeous, Liz. The recipients are going to be very happy.

  9. Well done, you! I envy your stick-to-it-tive-ness. :D

  10. Looks great Liz - well done ... good for you for finishing things - cheers Hilary

  11. You finished, that's what matters. I think they're both really pretty.

  12. Doesn't it feel great to finish something no matter the length of time(get it...length..nyuck, nyuck). I love it and it looks really good and warm. I also love the purple one which looks like a different pattern?

    1. It is. I didn't want to make them the same. I get bored :)

  13. Yay - you finished your scarf! No I'm not always that great at finishing things, my excuse being moving countries, BUT it does always annoy me if I don't finish things!

    1. Moving countries would have things falling by the wayside...

  14. Both of those are gorgeous. I love the look of an infinity scarf. Yet I never wear them!

    1. I made one for myself last year. Wore it about half the winter.

  15. Woot! They look amazing!

    I tried taking up crocheting once to make a blanket for my then-yet-to-be-born daughter. Yeah... didn't work out (she'll be 9 next month). In fact, I am a person who tends to abandon things early on.

    Your scarf looks great. Awesome work!

    1. Thanks. Perhaps you should try crochet again, but this time make something for yourself :)


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