
Monday, July 22, 2019

A First Draft

I was not much in the mood to take pictures yesterday, so instead I played with making a collage.

The plan is to turn this into a pin for Pinterest. Or, at least, I'll turn the final collage into a pin. Consider this a first draft collage.

For the last year I've been getting pictures of all these lip balm cozies. How'd it take a year? I got distracted by things like Christmas and the deluge in my bedroom, as well as getting a new camera and a lightbox. The listings are done. (Finally!) But, looking back at the first pictures I "improved" shows that those need to be improved upon again. Sigh.


  1. I think you did great with the collage! Looks good.


  2. Nice collage. It displays them quite well.

  3. I need to get back into doing something. Great job.

  4. Your collage looks great. :-)

    I think to make it into a Pinterest Pin image you might just want to make the text a little larger so it can be read more clearly when it's on a board. :-)

    Cait @ Of Needles and Noodles

    1. Agreed. I'm thinking on how I'm going to make that happen. I've got a couple ideas. I'll have to see if they work.

  5. I like your collage, Liz. It shows off your babies quite whimsically.

  6. I appreciate all you industrious endeavors. Well done. ~nods~ But Lord Mark? Seriously? This will make no sense if you delete the comment above mine, but I just had to say it caught my attention.

    Be well!

    1. Sorry. You got here before I had a chance to delete the spam. I can't let it sit. It bugs me.

  7. This is. Good collage because it showcases what it is, the numerous colours and the variety...I really like it

  8. It looks really good - my favourite is the multi-coloured bottom one. It's lovely!


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.