
Thursday, November 9, 2017

My "Favorite" Sophomores

I thought that I wouldn't have to deal with Kevin that Thursday, but then he walked in late with a pass. But, in a strange reversal, this 6th period actually worked, and quietly. (This was the same day as yesterday's post. I was so surprised to actually get a good class. One. But I'll take one.)

I wonder if Kevin even remembered me. I hope not.

Basically, Kevin spent all the time I had him in class avoiding work. Oh, he claimed he was going to "get it done" and he had "plenty of time", but I have yet to see him complete any work in class.

Last Monday I encountered Asia again. I noticed her name on 3rd period's roll sheet (for a photography class), so I had more warning than her.

Asia and I had a couple run-ins last year. She loudly criticized me when I insisted that she, um, settle down and do work. Any time I'd pass her on campus, she loudly laughed at me. I pretended not to hear.

Passing period. I stood at the front of the room as the students entered. I heard Asia as she peeked in the room, saw me, and then made her displeasure known with a string of expletives. Thankfully, she did this outside.

I looked at a girl seated directly in front of me. "She hates me," I told her.

Asia almost entered the room, but then turned and repeated her invective.

"She really hates me."

Eventually, Asia entered the room. Took her seat. She put on her pleasant face and spoke politely to me. All period.

I was impressed. She's learned to put on a false facade even though she hates me. Progress. I'll take it.

Kevin also didn't make any waves. It wasn't until after class that his story gets interesting.

On Kevin's desk, he left behind some papers. Assuming he had left behind his assignment, I went to retrieve them. And found something I did not expect.

The top page was a printed set of instructions:
  1. Ask Mr. W if you can still turn in missing assignments.
  2. If not, ask if remaining assignments will pull up grade.
  3. Repeat for Ms. S.
  4. Repeat for Mr. V.
The following pages were printouts of the gradebook for his classes. Unsurprisingly, he's getting Fs in all those classes. (Mr. W was who I was subbing for--English. Ms. S teaches home ec/cooking. Mr. V teaches chemistry.) 

I was not terribly shocked. Nor was I terribly shocked that those pages lay forgotten on a desk. I rather doubt Kevin is planning on following any of the instructions from his counselor. (That's why he was late to class. Presumably, they were discussing how he's failing high school.) 

I strongly suspect my Kevin stories will soon be coming to you from the continuation high school.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, Asia's been really good about faking pleasantness in front of me. I'll take faking any day.

  2. I wonder if he was ever given the chance to turn in makeup work he would actually do it.

  3. I'm surprised with Asia! And I think you'll be right about Kevin :(

  4. Do you ever get to find out what happens to any of these "problem" students when they leave high school? I hope there are some success stories out there. Alana

    1. Not usually. Sometimes I might get a snippet here or there.

  5. Well, progress for some, not so much for others. Doesn't sound like a turn around is on the horizon for poor K.

  6. Best wishes to you on turning around these students with your colleagues. The behavior is baffling to me, who wanted to move on in life.

    1. I have no chance. They just tolerate me for the day that they see me.

  7. Good Asia was showing perhaps a bit of maturity. Kevin needs to kick up his game a bit!


  8. Kevin sounds like some medication might not go astray.

    1. I don't know. Perhaps some "self medicating' might be already going on...

  9. That's so sad that Kevin's counselor is trying and yet he doesn't care. I wonder if he will ever care or realize how much effort the adults in his life put into him? (Probably not.)

    I am amused that Asia hates you so much that she had to complain when she realized you were her sub. At least she didn't complain to you directly or give you a hard time. :)

    1. Yeah, people do care. And try to head off the issues. But if the kiddos won't meet us half way...

      Considering how she talked to me when I first met her, I'm so glad she takes her anger towards me outside. I figure I'm rewarding her by interacting with her as little as possible.


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