
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Quiet Game

Freshman English. It had been a very long day, but it was only 4th period. (The students do not like their teacher, and so they've gone wild.)

At a ceratin point, there's nothing more for me to do. I try to contain the chaos, but otherwise I sit back and watch.

The students were loud. Most weren't doing the assignment. (They were supposed to be doing a "close read" of "The Lady or the Tiger".) The conversations were typical of freshmen. (I think. I wasn't really listening.) In the midst of this, one student decided it was time to play The Quiet Game.

Seriously? They wouldn't shut up while I practically did the first question for them, but when they had leave to discuss their work (not that they were using the permission to talk constructively), they think The Quiet Game is fun?

One student challenged another. Then, "The first person to talk is a loser," type of thing. And suddenly the whole room was silent--except for all the snickering.

The silence lasted for maybe two minutes. They tried again. Still, not long. The most peace I had during class, certainly. Although, I'd have traded any silence for actual work on the assignment.

Sigh. Freshmen...


  1. I don't think I've ever heard of KIDS inciting the quiet game. I always thought that was an adult's means of getting them to shut up. XD

    1. Classes that have gone feral get weird. They do all sorts of stuff to "entertain" themselves. Well, except for the assignment...

  2. I don't remember how it came about, but one time my students played the Quiet Game—more specifically, Quaker Meeting—and they made it about thirty seconds.

    Always funny what kids will do to avoid doing the assignment. I do like "The Lady or the Tiger" story. I always thought it was one of the more interesting things I read in school.

  3. Better than playing the noise game I guess.

  4. Hi Liz - I didn't know about the story - The Lady or the Tiger ... kids - I'd despair ... cheers Hilary

  5. I guess that works lol now to see if they can last the entire class :P

  6. I remember playing the quiet game as a kid. But not during class. Usually it was a lunch.

    1. They were treating class time as if it was a lunch.

  7. I guess you just have to keep your composure lest they use your reaction against you. Man, that class would have certainly bugged me!

    1. They can use it against you. Or they can get on you for "trippin'". And sometimes they're just trying to get a reaction. It's best to be "chill".

  8. I used to play 'the quiet game' with my kids in the car. They loved it. And then they figured out mama was only trying to get them to shut up so it wasn't as productive anymore!

    1. It actually works? Wow. I've only heard of it in joking situations.

  9. see, they don't want to be quiet when you want them to be quiet, but they're quite capable of silence when it's their decision.

    1. True. The trick is to make it their decision. And if anyone has any idea on how to accomplish this, please let me know ;)

  10. It's kind of amusing that an unruly bunch would even attempt the quiet game. I guess they were trying to destroy the sub's sanity.

  11. Hahaha! It sounds a bit like my kids, though I'm still at the stage where I worry when things go quiet because then I'm wondering what they're getting into.

  12. If they don't like their teacher and they act out like they did, wouldn't they think (I forgot they are freshmen) that there would be consequences for their behavior (or do they not realize that you leave fairly comprehensive notes?)


  13. Sometimes sitting back and watching the chaos is very entertaining.

    1. When I don't feel responsible for making sure they're working, yeah.

  14. I guess there's some sort of reverse psychology at play here. The adult is letting us make noise; let's mess with them and be quiet!

    Click @ Click's Clan

    1. "Letting" them make noise? I guess that's how they saw it.

  15. lol. I love that they wanted to play the quiet game. But yeah, it never fails that it only lasts for a few minutes. At least it didn't really matter that they were talking.

    1. I would have rather they played the working game...


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