
Monday, October 16, 2017

Updating Pictures, Part 5

Another Monday. More pictures.

I have now got a backlog of pictures to sort through. This is a good thing. Now I just have to sit myself down and make the time...

This week I retook the pictures of my Halloween projects from a couple years ago. I made small amigurumi pumpkins, and then with puffy paint I made one a jack-o-lantern...

And then, of course, is the spider...

One of these years I'll get a whole bunch of critters made for Halloween. But when I should be working on them (August), I tend to be distracted by other things. Ah well.

Finally, I got working on the poncho that I talked about a few weeks back. The first panel is finally done. (And now that I went back to look at the original, I see a big mistake I made. Oops.)

This has taken me way too long to do. Not that it's all that hard. I just haven't been doing much crocheting (or knitting) lately. My usual yarn time keeps getting usurped by my desire to go to sleep early. I figure time will open up in the not too distant future. I hope.

(Pattern for the poncho is the link to the pin above. Here's the link to the pattern for the spider. And here's the link to the pattern for the amigurumi pumpkin.)


  1. What cute Halloween critters. I hope your need for sleep is not a sign of illness. Take care!

  2. Colorful! And those critters are cute.

  3. Hi Liz - love the pumpkin and the spider ... while the poncho - will be so pretty and useful .. cheers Hilary

  4. That spider is so cute! Its good you are listening to your body and going to sleep earlier; I need to do the same!


  5. The first panel of the poncho is really beautiful. Love the colors!

  6. The pumpkin is super cute. I dig the color design for your poncho.

    1. I was told "peacock colors", so I can't really take credit for that.

  7. I forgot how cute those were! And I really like the colors in the poncho. I can't wait to see it finished.

  8. Yes, it's hard when you have to work that far in advance, so difficult to get in that head space without the proper context.

  9. Love the colorful pattern in the poncho!

  10. Oh my gosh! I absolutely love the spider! He's so cute!

    (Now if only I could crochet.)

  11. HAHA...I love the spider and pumpkin! Great job.

  12. I love the colours of your poncho and you’ll get it done but sleep always comes first. Your pumpkin and spider are cute

  13. All cute! Thank you for offering some patterns. Alana

    1. I like to link to patterns when I'm using someone else's designs.

  14. Good luck going through the pictures. I find that the most annoying part. Especially cropping and messing with the effects to make it look nice.

    1. Yeah, that is the hard part. And narrowing down which ones I'm going to use. It takes a lot of time.


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